Friday, April 23, 2010

Major Announcement...

I will be taking over the web presence and administration of the Minnesota Bowfin Club.

Their old website is here...

At this point I am not sure if I will be able to update that website or not. Irregardless I will start a Blogger blog for the MBC and will introduce a presence on Facebook.

The Club started a message board last year, but it seems to be twisting in obscurity.

Anyway if you have never read my blogged essay: BP on Dogfish (Bowfin) Fishing I recommend you do. I have just updated and added content to the post.

1 comment:

Chris Ricci said...

Yo dude I just love your blogging franchise empire. You rock. Keep up the great work, You are an inspiration to the fishing community, and to the rest of us fishing bums.