Thursday, January 14, 2010

Found: Bass Fishing Blogs This is a bass fishing blog by Tyler Brinks who is a tournament fishmen out of Fort Myers Florida. The blog has only been around since March and I found it thanks to I am a bass fishermen. I have enjoyed the content with just a short look and I think Tyler is off to a great start.

Update: Tyler is all over that Bassmaster Open down on "The Big O" this weekend.

Tami Curtis...What's Up Bass Fishing Blog Here is the blog tag-line which I suppose says it all: "My life on the road as a Pro Bass Angler (co-angler) competing with the guys". She is out of Texas but it looks like she fishes throughout the SouthWest. I found out about her blog because she is a Bass Pundit "Follower" although she just became a follower silently and I only found her blog because I went to look and see who this follower was. Visit her blog and show this chica bass blogger some love, although for some reason she doesn't allow comments.

Update: Maybe I missed this the 1st time. You can leave comments but you have to be in a specific blog post to do it. For some reason the comment link does not appear on the full blog.

Here is Tami catching a good fish. It's a fun video

Kramer Gone Fishing- George Kramer is a veteran outdoor writer who is all about bass fishing. This is a bass fishing blog that most certainly doesn't suck, the guy really knows his craft.

Blogging Note: I have now put the same Bass Pundit Sitemeter on all Blogger Bass Pundit Blog Franchise Empire blogs, so in my theory a hit on any frachise blog is now counted for Bass Pundit.


TBRINKS said...

Thanks for the compliments. I look forward to hearing more about your fishing. TBrinks

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave,

Thanks so much for the kind post. You blog rock! I enjoy reading them.

Tyler Brinks, Kramer Gone Fishing, and I am a bass fisherman blog are awesome blogs...I follow them too!

BTW: I've had some trouble turning my comments on. I'll google it and look on the forums to try to figure it out. Thanks...Tami