Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mercer Facts of Fishing-FYI Bassmaster Classic 2

As promised

I don't get the bit about Grigsby and "blue steel" can someone please explain in the comments. Thanks!!!


Big Indiana Bass said...

Damn he's annoying! Don't ask me to watch any more of his vids please :)

Oh, the "blue steel" pose from the movie Zoolander:

Derek Zoolander is famous for a series of poses which are supposed to be devastating, and have evocative names such as "Blue Steel", "Le Tigre" and "Ferrari" but all in fact consist of him staring at the camera intensely and sucking in his cheeks. As the movie starts, Zoolander is working on a new pose named Magnum, which he unveils to save the day and is in fact the same pose turned left with yet another new name.

Basspastor said...
