Saturday, March 05, 2022

Platte Lake Ice Out Prediction for 2022

 A Couple of days late with my Official 2022 Ice Out Prediction for 2022. This year's weather has been up for a day or two, then down for about a week. Looks like we are going to be in for more extended cold next week, with no signs of a turn towards Spring. I wonder if I will need to put the extension on my auger next week. Yikes! 

I predict ice goes off Platte Lake on Easter Sunday, April 17th, quite a reversal from my initial spit-balling of ice off April 1st. I think I need to re-train my brain to like ice fishing more and not be so gung-ho for ice off. I've got positive elements to work with to do it. Patience BP, patience.

I think the ice will be off the lakes in the lower 3rd of the State early this year. It has been way warmer down there than it has been up here, and they are supposed to get a soaking today.


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