Friday, December 01, 2023

What To Do? What To Do? (Vikes)

 After an unbelievable start, AstroDobbs crashed as his performance got shakier with each start.  There is only so much you can drink from a firehouse before you drown. What Josh Dobbs accomplished while drinking from the fire hose was amazing, but almost certainly wasn't sustainable. Thankfully, with the bye this week, the Vikings Coaching Staff and Management can take extra time to evaluate where things stand and come up with the best plan of action for how to attack the stretch run, with contingencies if things go awry. It is possible that all hope for the Vikes was lost when Kirk went down. Maybe Dobbs is the best option at quarterback, but maybe not. That is why Kwesi and KOC get paid big bucks. Their job is to work on the problem and find solutions. Bringing in Dobbs worked, but maybe a change or QB by committee is in order. Has that ever been tried? Why not dress three QBs and use them all according to their strengths. If it blows up, it blows up. What do they have to lose? Nothing! I didn't expect Dobb's to win a single game, but after the first one, I knew he gave us a chance. With the D playing as well as they are, this team has a chance in all of the remaining games. The Vikes just have to get a handle on those turnovers.

Historical Note: The team's defensive play really fell off coming down the stretch.

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