18.5" River2Sea Bubble Walker |
7:00AM-6:30PM GOMH, Rock Lake, N side of Don's Bay, the reeds and docks across the way.
Conditions: 45-58 degrees, Mostly sunny to mostly cloudy, Calm to light wind NNW NNE, Water Temp 50-53 degrees.
This turned in to my longest day on the water in who knows how long. I was totally worn out and didn't get on the water again until 4 days later. This blog is being written 11 days later.
I started at the GOMH and didn't catch anything. I then went to Rock Lake and didn't get anything there either.
I then got in the Trophy and tried out front and at West point, not getting a thing. I then ran to the North end of the reeds across the way. There was a seagull and some baitfish activity on the flat. I started throwing a River2Sea Rover, a walking topwater across the weed flat. I had one fish blow up on that but not get it.
Conditions seemed just ideal for topwater, so I switched to a Vixen, then the small Whopper Plopper, and then to a River2Sea Bubble Walker. The Bubble Walker was what they wanted.
14" River2Sea Bubble Walker |
That was the first fish I ever caught on the lure. I then had a 16.5" not get the lure, but I was patient and just let the bait sit still for about 45 seconds. I then worked the lure for a couple seconds, then killed it again letting it sit for about 15 seconds. When I started up again the fish blasted it.
16.5" Bubble Walker |
You can see I was working about the length of a cast from shore, casting parallel to shore, sometimes shallower, sometimes out more. The 18.5" was my fourth fish on the Walker at that point with a couple of more misses.
18.5" Bubble Walker |
I got over by the start of the reeds on the North end of Don's Bay when I got this long, but skinny pike.
27.5" Bubble Walker |
I worked the flat back an forth for a number of hours getting enough hits to keep things interesting. I missed my fair share, that's for sure.
16.5" Bubble Walker |
For a little while it looked like it was going to rain and a light wind came up. I switched to Pop Max and immediately got nailed by a typical fish.
15.75" Pop Max |
I then got a small pike and then missed 3 or 4 straight hits. I then let myself get pulled off of the juice. Instead of going back to the juice I decided to fish the reeds across the way. Stuff was getting blown up well inside the reed bed so I worked my way in fishing a Pad Crasher.
16.25" Pad Crasher |
I caught a couple and missed a couple doing that. It was now cooling off and I was getting tired. I elected to try "The Dock" and was rewarded with a good bass on the Hack Attack Jig.
17.75" Hack Jig w/Chigger Craw breen |
That worked out so well I tried the next dock down and got an even bigger fish.
18" Hack Jig w/Chigger Craw |
I then hit the two docks and our dock on my way in. I didn't get anything on the docks, but missed two fish in the pads in front of our place. I was beat. On the way home I bumped a deer and sent it rolling into the ditch. It got back up and kept on running. It was the darndest thing. No damage to the Kia Soul, thankfully.
11 bass on the Bubble Walker
2 Pike on the Bubble Walker
16 bass total and 3 pike
I missed at least 12 hits
I've been fishing a lot again this month. All my trips are blogged over at the Fishing Log Blog.