Getting Ready For Blast Off |
7:45AM-3:50PM Platte Lake
Conditions: 54-84℉, Partly to Mostly Cloudy, 3 to 15MPH WSWNW Winds, Water Level getting low
There was a surprise at the ramp this morning when we learned a bass club with 7 boats would also be fishing Platte/Sullivan today. They blasted off at 7AM even though all their boats weren't in the water yet. Thankfully they only went until noon, so there was no conflict over weigh in and take out.
I think we blasted off around 7:45AM and we went right to what I will now forever call Chuck's Point. It is a reed point with some cabbage mixed in with rice up by shore and a slop bay to the West. I think Chuck got a 15" right away on a swimbait or swim jig. I made a cast out of the reeds into the slop with the Horny Toad. A fish slapped, but didn't get it. I cast back and it got it this time, but it hung me up in the reeds. It really wasn't happening at this spot so we went to one of my spots in the NW corner. I think Chuck got a small keeper and I whiffed when a fish hit Maxx. That darn J-Braid 8 wrapped itself around my rod good. I eventually had to cut it.
We then went to Double Maidencaine Point. I got a pike there. Carp were active, but we couldn't raise a bass. Next we headed to some docks on the South shoreline. That didn't pay off with anything. We were making our way out of the rice when I had something show up behind my frog. I let it sit for a couple of seconds and when I moved it again a 17.75" bass blasted it.
Chuck was intent on getting to some docks, so we didn't fish the area to see if anything else was there. Chuck came in a little too close to the South side of the small island and he hit bottom with his motor. Thankfully he didn't seem to do any damage. We didn't get anything on the docks.
We then headed to the point across from the Platte Lake access and the fish were active there. Chuck got the first couple of fish. Then I got a 13.3," 14.25" and a 17" on a Bass Pro Speed Shad. I lost a 15-16 on the Shower Blows Knock off. I think Chuck filled out his limit and maybe culled once.
Next we headed back to Chuck's point. Chuck got a fish right away again and was back to culling. I caught a 12" line burner on a craw tube which I put in the well. Almost immediately I had another bite as did Chuck. They were both good fish. Chuck's got off, but I landed mine and it was my big fish of the day 18.5" 3/07, so she was spawned out. I then got a 16.5" fish on the craw tube to get rid of the line burner. I switched to the Horny Toad and quickly got a skinny 16" fish on that. Then the bite quit on Chuck's Point.
We ran into my bay, but everything was either covered up or kids were swimming there. We ran back to the point across from the access. I may have caught my final cull here, a 16.5 on the Speed Shad.
The sun came out. We tried some docks on the Platte Access shoreline. Didn't get anything. We went back to Chuck's point. I had a really good fish hit the Horny Toad, unfortunately after having it on for about 4 seconds it buried me in the reeds. If it was a bass, and I think it was, it probably would have been my big fish. That hurt me because I couldn't get rid of that skinny 16 incher.
We tried the slop to the East of the GOMH. Both Chuck and I had hits but couldn't hook the fish. We went back to Chuck's point to end the day. He got a solid cull and lost a good one while I got several fish that didn't help me. And the day was done.
Chuck had me believing we had me believing that our weights were fairly similar. They weren't.
Results: My fish weighed 15/8, which put me in 7th Place. Whew, I finally made a Top 10. Chuck came in 3rd Place with 17/4 and he had Lunker with a 4/2. Mark Munson won with 17/12. I'm a little surprised no one caught an 18lb bag as the fish were really biting.
My Thoughts: Finally a half way decent tournament day for me. I would have been really disappointed had I come in with anything under 14lbs. There are just so many 15.5-17" fish in the system right now. Can I keep the momentum?