Armchair Anglers has announced a 2011 Fund Raising Sweepstakes in order to raise money for the boat. The grand prize will be three days and nights at the Silver King Lodge in Costa Rica, home of world class tarpon fishing. Silver King Lodge is located on the Caribbean Cost of Costa Rica at the mouth of the famous Rio Colorado. Much different than most tarpon fishing destinations throughout the Caribbean, Silver King Lodge is the perfect choice for anglers who want to experience the thrill of hooking and landing a giant tarpon and are willing to get down and dirty to do it. Ticket contributions are just $5 dollars each while 5 tickets are $20 dollars which gives you an extra chance to win. The drawing will be held on June 30th, 2011, 3pm at 1881 NE 26th Street, #212 Wilton Manors, FL 33305. Drawing will be supervised by Miller, Calhoun and Co. In order to enter visit www.armchairanglers.org for more information
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