Sunday, February 22, 2009

Holy Buckets

I had 142 blog visitors yesterday, I think that is a record by a pretty good margin. I believe this 28 day month is going to be a record setter for visitors to Bass Pundit blog.


I am up to 150+ for today and it is just coming up on 8PM. Looks like the Classic has been good for business here at the Bass Pundit. I wonder what kind of numbers Rich's Bassin' Blog is getting???

2nd Update:
I had a total of 181 unique visitors today and 434 total visits for the 3 days of Bassmasters Classic. (Unique visitors reset new each day so I had something quite a bit less than 434 unique visitors, but there very well could have been over 150 different people that visited this blog in the last 3 days.)

1 comment:

Clif said...

Yesterday was a big day for Lunker Hunt too. About three times my normal traffic. Guess I got lucky you posted a link just before your big day.
