Monday, March 22, 2010

Bass Blogging: Ross Returns & Victoria is Pissed

Ross of Ross Talks Fishing, a Minnesocold bass fishing blog, is back to posting. One of his first efforts is a take down of Skeet Reese and in another posts he builds up Byron the Bachelor and Clear Lake Elite Series Champ. Welcome back to blogging Ross.

Victoria Taber fished as a Co-Angler at a WON Bass tournament on Lake Havasu. Day 1 went well, However her Day 2 partner "Egg Salad" left something to be desired.

For the tournament Victoria came in 83rd out of 90 and Tami Curtis came in 30th. As far as I can gather it's a Pro/Co shared weight format. Hopefully Tami will be blogging about this one soon. This particular tournament was won on the Pro side by Western bass fishing legend Mike Folkestad who will also probably be blogging about the tournament soon.

Brent Chapman has blogged his Clear Lake Elite Series experience...

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