From Minnesocold, Bass Fishing Blog Capitol of the World!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Funny Video
I have almost lost a cell phone down an ice hole but I grabbed it in the hole. I have however lost two phones in open water. 1 in Lake Michigan while I was openning up the Pike River inlet, the current was strong enough to carry the phone away from me quickly. The 2nd phone fell out of my pocket off our dock into Platte Lake. I didn't notice it at the time it fell in. Later that day I was on the dock and spotted the phone, needless to say it was fried after being under water for several hours.
Fantasy Bass Fishing News
The BASS/ESPN Elite Series Fantasy Bass Fishing game will be open for registration on Feb. 3.
Also the full roster for the Elite Series has been released.
Of note: Bryan Hudgins of Orange Park, Fla will not be fishing the Elite Series even though he was 29th in points last year. This is a bummer for me because I had my eye on Hudgins for my fantasy roster. I thought he was a real up and comer. I will have to look elsewhere for a solid angler with a low points point.
J. Todd Tucker of Moultrie, Ga will be a rookie in the Elite Series. J. Todd is the son of Butch Tucker who is a regular contributer on the Bass Fishing Home Page message boards.
The Elite Series will have 101 anglers this year, down from 110 last year.
Also the full roster for the Elite Series has been released.
Of note: Bryan Hudgins of Orange Park, Fla will not be fishing the Elite Series even though he was 29th in points last year. This is a bummer for me because I had my eye on Hudgins for my fantasy roster. I thought he was a real up and comer. I will have to look elsewhere for a solid angler with a low points point.
J. Todd Tucker of Moultrie, Ga will be a rookie in the Elite Series. J. Todd is the son of Butch Tucker who is a regular contributer on the Bass Fishing Home Page message boards.
The Elite Series will have 101 anglers this year, down from 110 last year.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
National Geographic on Bass Fishing Culture
Video "Master Angler Tactic" – A champion bass angler shares insights into the secret of his success.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Need a Knife or Multitool? Plus more Blogs

Bass Pundit reader Kris Anderson has an online store called Knives Infinity where he sells axes, knives, knife sharpeners, multitools, saws, and shovels. So if you need any one of these things consider Kris.
Also Check Out:

Stream Stalker blog- This is a blog out of Illinois that is all about catching Smallies in streams and rivers.

The Daily Crank- This is a sweet looking BassNblog by Lucky Craft. Apparently Lucky Craft is making spinnerbaits now. They look cool, but how much are they gonna cost?

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Found: New Bass Fishing BassN blogs
From the BassNblog Capitol of the World:
Ross Talks Fishing Started om July last post is from August. I hope this one didn't fizzle out already, that would be to bad because it was off to a great start.
Other Blogs:
All About Bass Fishing- This excellent Wordpress blog is out of South Florida. He only started in December but has lots of really good stuff up already.
Largemouth Lures- The 1st bass fishing blog out of Cheesehead land and it is written my a Fisherwoman. She has just started out but already she is building a Blog Franchise Empire with these other blogs:
how to fishing-This Blogger blog is a little overboard on the adds.
I love Largemouth Bass Extreme- I am not sure if this Squidoo Lens thing is an actual blog or not. It kind of looks like one, but only time is going to tell me if content is continually added or not.
I think this Blogger Amber is trying to make money as a BassNblogger. Good luck with that.
What is this? Another Cheesehead BassNblogger, can you believe it!!!
South East Wisconsin Fishing Report This is the blog of Milwaukee area Fishing Guide Chris Terry who apparently guides for bass much of the time. This blog has been around since March 2007, so it is older than those first two Sconni blogs.
Lunker Hunt- I was just alerted to this one in my comments by BassfishingDem. It looks like a really good veteran BassNblog that has been around since 2006. It is another BassNblog out of IL, which makes 4 for that state.
dark art caster- This is not a bass fishing blog, it is out of Malaysia, but it is pretty cool. Check out this post of the Mangrove Snake caught on Berkley Powerbait.
Ross Talks Fishing Started om July last post is from August. I hope this one didn't fizzle out already, that would be to bad because it was off to a great start.
Other Blogs:
All About Bass Fishing- This excellent Wordpress blog is out of South Florida. He only started in December but has lots of really good stuff up already.
Largemouth Lures- The 1st bass fishing blog out of Cheesehead land and it is written my a Fisherwoman. She has just started out but already she is building a Blog Franchise Empire with these other blogs:
how to fishing-This Blogger blog is a little overboard on the adds.
I love Largemouth Bass Extreme- I am not sure if this Squidoo Lens thing is an actual blog or not. It kind of looks like one, but only time is going to tell me if content is continually added or not.
I think this Blogger Amber is trying to make money as a BassNblogger. Good luck with that.
What is this? Another Cheesehead BassNblogger, can you believe it!!!
South East Wisconsin Fishing Report This is the blog of Milwaukee area Fishing Guide Chris Terry who apparently guides for bass much of the time. This blog has been around since March 2007, so it is older than those first two Sconni blogs.
Lunker Hunt- I was just alerted to this one in my comments by BassfishingDem. It looks like a really good veteran BassNblog that has been around since 2006. It is another BassNblog out of IL, which makes 4 for that state.
dark art caster- This is not a bass fishing blog, it is out of Malaysia, but it is pretty cool. Check out this post of the Mangrove Snake caught on Berkley Powerbait.
Friday, January 16, 2009
You could win $50 of Subway Sandwiches!!!
New Minnesocold BassNblog and Bass Fishing Forum:
I have decided that Fishwrench can be classified as a bass fishing blog. I was made aware of Fishwrench more than a year ago thanks to the Excel Bass Circuit online Forum. From what I recall Fishwrech was only an online message board/forum. I was recently reminded of Fishwrench as I was browsing on the Excel Forums and found out Fishwrench is now bloggish and has a new message board/forums because apparently the old site crashed.
I recommend that Bass Pundit readers take the time to go to the Fishwrech Forums and register and then post at least once because after you post you will have a shot at winning a $50 Subway Sandwich Card. I don't know about you, but I love me some Subway
I have decided that Fishwrench can be classified as a bass fishing blog. I was made aware of Fishwrench more than a year ago thanks to the Excel Bass Circuit online Forum. From what I recall Fishwrech was only an online message board/forum. I was recently reminded of Fishwrench as I was browsing on the Excel Forums and found out Fishwrench is now bloggish and has a new message board/forums because apparently the old site crashed.
I recommend that Bass Pundit readers take the time to go to the Fishwrech Forums and register and then post at least once because after you post you will have a shot at winning a $50 Subway Sandwich Card. I don't know about you, but I love me some Subway
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Bass Tournament Fishing From the Back of the Boat (Co-Angling)
Over at the Bass Fishing Forum of Carl Spande of Carl's BassAckwards Fishing Blog asks this question.
Co-angler Tournament Strategies
I'm thinking about fishing a few circuits as a co-angler this upcoming season, and I'm curious what pros and co-anglers alike recommend for co-angler tournament strategies. For example, lure selection, bait placement, and other things that will help a co-angler be as successful as possible when competing against other co-anglers in other boats.
This past year with the Baxter Bass Snatchers I was fishing the tournaments as if I was a Co-angler and I only took time at the front of the boat when my partner needed me to run the trolling motor as they had something else they needed to do. I think I fished from the back of the boat fairly successfully, but how well I did from the back of the boat is difficult to measure against others because some and possibly most of the non-boaters took half the day at the front of the boat as is their right according to the club by-laws. I do know if it was Co-Angler vs. Co-Angler that I would have been 1st at Serpent Lake and second to last or last at Big Birch.
My thoughts on tournament fishing from the back of the boat:
I think your main goal from the back of the boat should not be to win the tournament, but to try and get a limit by catching as many fish as you can. You do this by throwing baits you are comfortable throwing and that you think will catch fish in the environment to which your boater brings you. It is definitely helpful if your boater gives you a general idea of what kind of water you are going to be fishing for the tournament day, but you do have to be prepared to be flexible as the boaters plans might change. I think fishing from the back of the boat is a test of your flexibility and adjustment abilities as an angler.
I don't think you should have any hard and fast rule about not throwing the same thing as the angler in the front of the boat. You throw what you want to throw and what you think will work but you definitely want to be in tune with what the guy in the front of the boat is doing to give you input on what might or might not be working. If something they are doing starts working and it is practical for you to do the same thing than you might want to make that switch but the beauty of it is you don't have to. I want to emphasize again, do what you think will work. If the guy in the front of the boat proves you are around fish than you probably should keep making adjustments until you find something that works.
If your boater is catching fish and you are not it is easy to get frustrated. You can let the frustration be a negative that wrecks your confidence or you can let the frustration be a positive and allow it to motivate you to think and be more creative. One of the big keys is not to let your frustration distract you, but channel it to become more focused.
Focus is very important for the Co-Angler because when an opportunity prevents itself you have to be ready to take advantage of it. In tournament bass fishing you are only as good as you are successful at taking advantage of the opportunities that present themselves during the tournament day. You may have lots of opportunities in a given day or you may have no opportunities if you are unlucky and over water all day that doesn't hold any fish. More likely than not you are going to have an opportunity to catch some fish in an 8 hour day.
As a Co-angler you don't have to allow your mind to be caught up in the decision making process that goes along with deciding where you should be fishing and not fishing at a given moment, this is the boaters burden. Your focus needs to be on trying to make the best presentation possible in the water that is available to you. It is up to you and you only to make the right call on presentation and that is what your sole bass fishing focus should be directed towards.
The two big questions:
Are you throwing the right bait in the right place? Are you going to be aware if a bass bites? I think that is your world as a Co-Angler
Co-angler Tournament Strategies
I'm thinking about fishing a few circuits as a co-angler this upcoming season, and I'm curious what pros and co-anglers alike recommend for co-angler tournament strategies. For example, lure selection, bait placement, and other things that will help a co-angler be as successful as possible when competing against other co-anglers in other boats.
This past year with the Baxter Bass Snatchers I was fishing the tournaments as if I was a Co-angler and I only took time at the front of the boat when my partner needed me to run the trolling motor as they had something else they needed to do. I think I fished from the back of the boat fairly successfully, but how well I did from the back of the boat is difficult to measure against others because some and possibly most of the non-boaters took half the day at the front of the boat as is their right according to the club by-laws. I do know if it was Co-Angler vs. Co-Angler that I would have been 1st at Serpent Lake and second to last or last at Big Birch.
My thoughts on tournament fishing from the back of the boat:
I think your main goal from the back of the boat should not be to win the tournament, but to try and get a limit by catching as many fish as you can. You do this by throwing baits you are comfortable throwing and that you think will catch fish in the environment to which your boater brings you. It is definitely helpful if your boater gives you a general idea of what kind of water you are going to be fishing for the tournament day, but you do have to be prepared to be flexible as the boaters plans might change. I think fishing from the back of the boat is a test of your flexibility and adjustment abilities as an angler.
I don't think you should have any hard and fast rule about not throwing the same thing as the angler in the front of the boat. You throw what you want to throw and what you think will work but you definitely want to be in tune with what the guy in the front of the boat is doing to give you input on what might or might not be working. If something they are doing starts working and it is practical for you to do the same thing than you might want to make that switch but the beauty of it is you don't have to. I want to emphasize again, do what you think will work. If the guy in the front of the boat proves you are around fish than you probably should keep making adjustments until you find something that works.
If your boater is catching fish and you are not it is easy to get frustrated. You can let the frustration be a negative that wrecks your confidence or you can let the frustration be a positive and allow it to motivate you to think and be more creative. One of the big keys is not to let your frustration distract you, but channel it to become more focused.
Focus is very important for the Co-Angler because when an opportunity prevents itself you have to be ready to take advantage of it. In tournament bass fishing you are only as good as you are successful at taking advantage of the opportunities that present themselves during the tournament day. You may have lots of opportunities in a given day or you may have no opportunities if you are unlucky and over water all day that doesn't hold any fish. More likely than not you are going to have an opportunity to catch some fish in an 8 hour day.
As a Co-angler you don't have to allow your mind to be caught up in the decision making process that goes along with deciding where you should be fishing and not fishing at a given moment, this is the boaters burden. Your focus needs to be on trying to make the best presentation possible in the water that is available to you. It is up to you and you only to make the right call on presentation and that is what your sole bass fishing focus should be directed towards.
The two big questions:
Are you throwing the right bait in the right place? Are you going to be aware if a bass bites? I think that is your world as a Co-Angler
Saturday, January 10, 2009
My 2009 Baxter Bass Snatcher Tournament Schedule
Today we had our first Baxter Bass Snatcher club meeting of the year, and the big item on the agenda was dates and lakes.
Here is the schedule we came up with:
Saturday, May 30th Gull Lake
Sunday, June 21st South Long Lake
Saturday, July 18th Birch (Hackensack)
Saturday, August 8th Pelican
Saturday, August 22nd Leech
Saturday, September 19th Cullen Chain (I am not sure if we can fish 3 lakes or 2)
Date Analysis: Basically, any thought I had of doing some Minnesota Federation of Bass Angler Series tournaments is out the window. I was really leaning towards entering the MFBA on E&W Rush to try the Series out, but we put a Bass Snatcher tournament the same day, June 21st. The Snatcher July 18th tournament at Birch is a day before the MFBA Series Tournament at Osakis. I don't think I can physically handle back-to-back tournaments in July if the weather turns out to be hot, which it most likely will be. This Birch tournament also conflicts with the day my Fishers of Men Club Twin Cities will be at Lake Koronis. I caught my biggest tournament limit ever in July on Koronis, and I was looking forward to getting back there to try and tie into some of those summo smallies. I guess I am going to have to make a decision, but I will probably go with the Snatchers to Birch. The August 8th Pelican tournament is a day before the MFBA Series at North Long, so there is another no-go due to my physical limitations in hot weather. The last Snatcher tournament may conflict with the Fishers of Men Fall Outing, but I don't think the dates we have listed on the Fishers of Men website are correct.
Lake Analysis:
Gull- I have only fished Gull one time, and that was a tournament on June 6th, 2004 which is just a weekend later than our Snatcher tournament on May 30. I got into a lot of fish at that June 6th tournament, so I should be able to contribute a spot. In fact, I have a place in mind that I think could be a good gamble on where to start the day.
South Long: South Long is about 15 minutes away from me between here and Brainerd. I have never fished South Long other than for a few minutes from shore one time where the Nokasippi river flows out on the SW end. I have wanted to fish in this lake, and now is my chance. With it being so close, I may actually pre-fish this one on my own, possibly multiple times if I like the lake. I think it is supposed to be a pretty decent bass lake. The DNR lake survey is from 2007, and it shows a lot of 15-24 inch Pike and a respectable population of good-sized Bowfin. I may have to hit up this lake before the bass opener. According to the DNR electrofishing, there were many little bass in 2007, which may mean a bumper crop of keepers for 2009.
Birch by Hackensack Cass County- Never been there, never really heard about it until now. The club has fished it a few times, and the one thing that stood out to me is that it has produced several 4 & 5lbers. The last time the club was there was in 1999, and at least 5 bass over 4lbs were caught. Hopefully, my partner will be willing to take me prefishing because I don't know what to expect.
Pelican- Pelican, is probably the 2nd most popular lake in the Brainerd Lakes area behind Gull, and it boasts the famous Minnesota Resort Breezy Point. I've never been to the lake. It is over 8,000 acres and looks like it could get a bit rough in the wind. I really am not aware of its reputation as a bass lake, so I will have to research this one quite a bit further. The club was last on Pelican in August of 2006 and over 19lbs won it with 13 of 28 anglers coming in with 6 fish limits. It looks like this one could be fun if the wind stays down.
Leech- Yeah, Baby. This is one of the lakes I hoped we would be fishing. Leech has big fish in heavy cover that sets up as prime frogging habitat. Many club members have a lot of experience with Leech. The club last fished it in July of 2006. In 2006 there were two bags over 20lbs, and there were 18 limits out of 30 anglers. Leech has produced 3 fish over 6lbs for the club. I may have to get into the club's big-money rolling big bass pot that only gets collected when a contributor to the pot catches one 5 1/2lbs or bigger. The club had one fish that big at Pokegama last year, but he wasn't in the pot, which made many guys very happy.
Cullen Chain- I don't know much of anything about these lakes North of Brainerd. The club last fished here in early June of 2005 with 18 limits coming to the scales out of 29 anglers, but the winning weight was just 13 1/2lbs, and only 1 fish over 4lbs was caught. It looks like these lakes should be good for some action. The DNR reports indicate these are clear water lakes with visibility over 10 feet, which very well could mean a solid buzzbait bite.
Overall I think we have a strong slate of lakes this year.
Carl "BassAckwards" Spande has a tentative schedule for 2009 out as does Art Simms and Josh Douglas.
Playing with my BassNblogs blogroll
With about 100 Bass Fishing Blogs now on the Blogroll-O-BassNblog I thought I should do a little better job of organizing and highlighting them. Of coarse I give the most prominent position to all the Minnesocold blogs. Next I rewarded blogs that blogroll Bass Pundit. Next came blogs that blogroll Hellabass with the exception of Billy Harris who doesn't link to anyone, but he is one of the first to blog about bass fishing and he is friends with Rich. Next came blogs that I think are good reading that I want to keep my eye on. The "The unwashed masses" are a mixture of bass fishing blogs that just don't stand out to me that I will check less often. I don't know why I have "The Pro's Blogs" where they are as these are blogs that I try to keep up with on a regular basis especially when the tour season is on. I think it is pretty self explanatory why blogs that haven't posted in more than a year go at the bottom.
After getting done organizing everything I redid the order of the Minnesota bass fishing blogs.
After getting done organizing everything I redid the order of the Minnesota bass fishing blogs.
This just in...

Tackle Tour Forum poster Bowfin 13 has this to say about bowfin and chatterjigs:
They absolutely love them , especially in florida, try putting a swim senko as a trailer to bulk it up, or try a 4.5 paddletail swimbait.
So basically you can look for me throwing chatter jigs the second the ice goes off the lakes in April.
Friday, January 09, 2009
MT Bucket Picture Poll
I encourage all Bass Pundit readers to head over to MT Bucket and share an opinion on which fish picture is the best. To vote you have to leave a comment as that Cyb didn't use one of those "Make a Poll" tools that are available.
I blogged about Cyberfish's lousy dark pictures yesterday...
I blogged about Cyberfish's lousy dark pictures yesterday...
BASS Elite Series Changes
As I blogged about yesterday, BASS came out with changes to the Elite Series today. For full details see Hellabass and BassFan.
To sum up the major points:
BASS cancelled the Elite Series Tournaments at Pickwick, Bay De Noc, and Champlain.
BASS added a 12 man two event Angler of the Year playoff.
BASS changed entry fees and payout schedules.
I want to officially put lakes Platte and Sullivan here in Minnesocold into the hat for possible AOY playoff venues. It's only 12 guys, so these two lakes combined are plenty big enough and between the 3 public accesses there is enough room for 12 rigs, while space would be limited for those pesky on the water spectators. Weigh in location would be the only issue. I want to see KVD take down Platte lake. LOL
To sum up the major points:
BASS cancelled the Elite Series Tournaments at Pickwick, Bay De Noc, and Champlain.
BASS added a 12 man two event Angler of the Year playoff.
BASS changed entry fees and payout schedules.
I want to officially put lakes Platte and Sullivan here in Minnesocold into the hat for possible AOY playoff venues. It's only 12 guys, so these two lakes combined are plenty big enough and between the 3 public accesses there is enough room for 12 rigs, while space would be limited for those pesky on the water spectators. Weigh in location would be the only issue. I want to see KVD take down Platte lake. LOL
Tournament Bass Fishing Culling System's

In an email today I received a press release from Ardent Outdoors (Ardent: made in the USA fishing reels fame) about the fact that their SmartCull fish culling system was given an Editor's Choice Award at Tackle Tour(Click on the link for Tackle Tour's review.) I am assuming they sent me the press release to post on the blog, which I am not going to do, I figure linking to the Tackle Tour review is better than the press release.
The press release has inspired me to share my thoughts on tournament bass fishing culling system's. I think if you are a professional or semi-professional tournament bass fisherman paying significant entry fees with significant prize money on the line than you are going to want the best culling system possible. The Ardent SmartCull looks like a very good system but at Futurebass I was recently made aware of a culling product called Accu-Cull that looks like it would be pretty good too. Then there is the Cul-M-Rite system that costs $200 bucks. I'll leave it up to others to decide which is the best among those three different approaches or if the best is even something different from them.
For myself, fishing club tournaments with nothing much on the line other than pride, the culling system that I choose to use isn't all that important. I have never culled by weighing a fish on a digital or sping scale. I instead cull by length of fish and by sight on fish that are of similar size. I did use my partners balance beam once at Serpent Lake this past year. What I do is certainly not the most exacting method but it is quick and I would rather be fishing than sorting fish.
Last year and in the past I have used Bag-Em Bass Tags:

As you can see EZ-Cull-RZ ropes have locking clips so the rope will stay with the fish. I just spent to much time last year messing around with fish that got off their clips.
Culling Side Note- It has been my experience fishing tournaments with club partners and watching professional bass fishing that most anglers do not start the culling process right from the first fish. I on the other hand always put the tags on the fish as I catch them and record the length right away before I get back to fishing. I think the way I do it leads to more time fishing and less time playing with fish. I suppose the people who don't start the culling right away do so because they don't want to take the time to weigh a fish when the "iron is hot;" While there might be something to that, I would think they would want to at least put a culling clip on the fish to make for easier retrieval, but more often than not this simple and quick step doesn't seem to be done. I don't get it, maybe they are putting on clips and I just don't see it, but I am generally in the back of the boat where the livewell is and I would think I would see the clips when they box their fish.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Breaking News:
BassFan has just reported in Dock Talk that the BASS Elite Series is going to cut 3 events from the tour schedule. Is this just a false rumor or is it gonna happen. BassFan says BASS is going to say something official on Friday.
I wrote Elite Tour tournament dates in pen in my Day Timer calender this year, Oops.
I wrote Elite Tour tournament dates in pen in my Day Timer calender this year, Oops.
I don't get it!
"I know this sounds bad, but I haven't really looked at the schedule yet. I know we're going to Guntersville first, but I don't know what's going on after that."
David Dudley to BassFan on the upcoming FLW tournament season.
How can this guy be such a great angler, I swear he has rocks in his head.
(But then again I don't have the FLW schedule memorized either. Off the top of my head I know they hit Guntersville, Norman, Beaver, Kentucky Lake, Pittsburgh and Champlain but I don't know the correct order. (I forgot the tournament at Table Rock)
Check out this article on David Dudley from Rob Newell of FLW Outdoors...
David Dudley to BassFan on the upcoming FLW tournament season.
How can this guy be such a great angler, I swear he has rocks in his head.
(But then again I don't have the FLW schedule memorized either. Off the top of my head I know they hit Guntersville, Norman, Beaver, Kentucky Lake, Pittsburgh and Champlain but I don't know the correct order. (I forgot the tournament at Table Rock)
Check out this article on David Dudley from Rob Newell of FLW Outdoors...
My MT Bucket pet peeve.
MT Bucket is my fishing buddy Mike "Cyberfish" or "Shake" Thompson's blog. (No not the Mike Thompson that one won the million bucks in FLW fantasy fishing) Mike goes fishing a lot and he usually blogs about his trips with pictures. My pet peeve is this:
The picture is far darker than it should be. Lots of Mike's pictures are not the greatest to look at because they are too dark. Now look at the same picture after I do 30 seconds of work on it:
Big difference in the quality of the photograph. I would guess that Mike does have some kind of photo viewing and editing software and brightening up photo's is one of the most basic edits there is. If I can do it, anybody can do it. So come on Mike start brightening up those dark pictures before you post them, your fan base will thank you for it.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009
BassNblog Count
Another Update: I found 2 more active BassNblogs and 2 more inactive one's. So the active total is now 100.
Update: I Googled "Bass Fishing Blog" to prospect for more BassNblogs and I found 18 more active BassNblogs and 2 that were inactive, that brings the active BassNblog count to 98. Naturally Hellabass was the 1st Google entry. Bass Pundit didn't show up until the 12th page and much to my shock and amazement I am a bass fisherman blog was unheard from in the top 10 pages. I do not understand search engines.
By my count there are 80 BassNblogs that have been active within the past year. I just checked through my "Inactive" blog list and Bassin the Net and Bass Hog Blog both posted an entry within the last year so I have upgraded them to active. I have blog Getting Reel in the "Inactive" pile even though they posted in 2008. Unfortunately this excellent BassNblog closed it's doors at the end of July.
80 (100) is a large number, so you may ask what are my favorites?
Naturally all the Bass Pundit Blog Franchise Empire blogs are Favorites:
Bass Pundit
Bass Pundit's Fishing Log Blog (For hyperlinks go to right side blogrolls)
Bass Pundit's Tourny HQ
Bass Pundit Preach
B.P. vs Cyberfish
Bass Pundit Fantasy Bass Fishing HQ
Bass Pundit Minnesocold Bass Derby 2008
Fishers of Men Club Blog
Favorite Non B.P.B.F.E. blogs
Rich Lindgren's Bassin Blog (Hellabass) (I regard this site as the King of BassNblogs)
MT Bucket
GEM (Great Expectations Ministries)
Nick's Bass Blog
Carl's "BassAckwards" Fishing Blog
Art Simms Bass Fishing
Bob's Fishing Blog
Bass Fishing in the Midwest
Sport's Outdoors Forum
Minnesota Bass Fishing
AJ Rods and Tackle
Fishing Hype (his blog entry's have disappeared)
I am a bass fisherman
JP Derose
Rattletrap Ramblings
On Tour
Clay Dyer
Sean Hoernke
Boyd Duckett
Some of the other BassNblogs are pretty good, but I don't check them often (probably because they don't post entries very often) or they are to new for me to give them my seal of approval.
Update: I Googled "Bass Fishing Blog" to prospect for more BassNblogs and I found 18 more active BassNblogs and 2 that were inactive, that brings the active BassNblog count to 98. Naturally Hellabass was the 1st Google entry. Bass Pundit didn't show up until the 12th page and much to my shock and amazement I am a bass fisherman blog was unheard from in the top 10 pages. I do not understand search engines.
By my count there are 80 BassNblogs that have been active within the past year. I just checked through my "Inactive" blog list and Bassin the Net and Bass Hog Blog both posted an entry within the last year so I have upgraded them to active. I have blog Getting Reel in the "Inactive" pile even though they posted in 2008. Unfortunately this excellent BassNblog closed it's doors at the end of July.
80 (100) is a large number, so you may ask what are my favorites?
Naturally all the Bass Pundit Blog Franchise Empire blogs are Favorites:
Bass Pundit
Bass Pundit's Fishing Log Blog (For hyperlinks go to right side blogrolls)
Bass Pundit's Tourny HQ
Bass Pundit Preach
B.P. vs Cyberfish
Bass Pundit Fantasy Bass Fishing HQ
Bass Pundit Minnesocold Bass Derby 2008
Fishers of Men Club Blog
Favorite Non B.P.B.F.E. blogs
Rich Lindgren's Bassin Blog (Hellabass) (I regard this site as the King of BassNblogs)
MT Bucket
GEM (Great Expectations Ministries)
Nick's Bass Blog
Carl's "BassAckwards" Fishing Blog
Art Simms Bass Fishing
Bob's Fishing Blog
Bass Fishing in the Midwest
Sport's Outdoors Forum
Minnesota Bass Fishing
AJ Rods and Tackle
Fishing Hype (his blog entry's have disappeared)
I am a bass fisherman
JP Derose
Rattletrap Ramblings
On Tour
Clay Dyer
Sean Hoernke
Boyd Duckett
Some of the other BassNblogs are pretty good, but I don't check them often (probably because they don't post entries very often) or they are to new for me to give them my seal of approval.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
BP Bass Tournament Memories:
Blast from the past blogged at the BP Tourny HQ. I found the Excel Bass Singles Archives from 2004 when I fished 3 of their tournaments. Ohh the memories.
Found: New BassNblogs:
Bass Madness is a very nice new BassNblog that started up Dec 20 of 2008 and already has 26 posts. This one is worth checking out. I found it thanks to Fishing by P. Roberts Blogger Profile.
Reney's bass fishing blog was also found thanks to P. Roberts Blogger Profile. Another Newbie BassNblog that started November 13th 2008, but unlike the prolific Bass Madness blog, this one only has 4 posts so it is hard to say how committed to the long run this one is. The guy who runs the blog is new to tournament fishing, so I hope he keeps blogging and tells about his experiences. This blog is out of Texas.
Tritongirl is a Blogger blog that reminds me more a My Space page then a Blogger Blog. I was half tempted to ignore the site altogether because the second you view the website Cyndi Lauper and Girl's Just Want To Have Fun comes blaring over the speakers and you have to go all the way to the bottom of the page to turn it off. Automatic audio or video on blogs is kind of a pet peeve of mine and a big reason why I don't care for My Space that much. Anyway this blog is about Triton Bass Boats and Triton Bass Boat Apparel for women and children more than it is about bass fishing. Still it does qualify as a BassNblog so I'm blogrolling it.
So I click on Tritongirls profile and come to find out that she has a "Blog Franchise Empire" that consists of 8 different blogs. I have decided that 6 of them qualify to go on the BassNblog blogroll. I am not going to bother with linking them here because linking them once on the blogroll is enough work.
Bassin with Allen is a BassNblog out of Texas that I found thanks to Tritongirl. The first post was December 30, 2008 just 8 days ago, so this BassNblog is brand spankin new still Hellabass managed to find it before me as he was on the "Followers" bar.
Blast from the past blogged at the BP Tourny HQ. I found the Excel Bass Singles Archives from 2004 when I fished 3 of their tournaments. Ohh the memories.
Found: New BassNblogs:
Bass Madness is a very nice new BassNblog that started up Dec 20 of 2008 and already has 26 posts. This one is worth checking out. I found it thanks to Fishing by P. Roberts Blogger Profile.
Reney's bass fishing blog was also found thanks to P. Roberts Blogger Profile. Another Newbie BassNblog that started November 13th 2008, but unlike the prolific Bass Madness blog, this one only has 4 posts so it is hard to say how committed to the long run this one is. The guy who runs the blog is new to tournament fishing, so I hope he keeps blogging and tells about his experiences. This blog is out of Texas.
Tritongirl is a Blogger blog that reminds me more a My Space page then a Blogger Blog. I was half tempted to ignore the site altogether because the second you view the website Cyndi Lauper and Girl's Just Want To Have Fun comes blaring over the speakers and you have to go all the way to the bottom of the page to turn it off. Automatic audio or video on blogs is kind of a pet peeve of mine and a big reason why I don't care for My Space that much. Anyway this blog is about Triton Bass Boats and Triton Bass Boat Apparel for women and children more than it is about bass fishing. Still it does qualify as a BassNblog so I'm blogrolling it.
So I click on Tritongirls profile and come to find out that she has a "Blog Franchise Empire" that consists of 8 different blogs. I have decided that 6 of them qualify to go on the BassNblog blogroll. I am not going to bother with linking them here because linking them once on the blogroll is enough work.
Bassin with Allen is a BassNblog out of Texas that I found thanks to Tritongirl. The first post was December 30, 2008 just 8 days ago, so this BassNblog is brand spankin new still Hellabass managed to find it before me as he was on the "Followers" bar.
In the Mail

I also received some toad/frog hooks with spiral wire plastic keepers, a bunch of 1/2oz blue black Strike King Pure Poison Chatter Jigs and some junebug Zoom Utra Vibe craws. I still have several things coming on back order.
Frog Rod On Sale: If I was in the market for a new frog rod I would snap up the Daiwa Light and Tough Frog Rod that is on sale right now at Tackle Warehouse for $129.95. I have read that these are some of the best heavy cover frog rods out there. So if you need a frog rod, get hopping.
Wow- Josh Douglas has 25 tournaments on his schedule that he intends to fish in 2009 and he doesn't have dates for his bass club yet so he may add more. Rich "Hellabass" Lindgren doesn't have his 2009 schedule posted yet. Actually it seems that Josh is the only Minnesocold BassNblogger to have a schedule for 2009 posted.
Monday, January 05, 2009
BP vs. Cyberfish round up for 2008...
(I must say that BP vs. Cyberfish blog layout is whole lot nicer looking than what I have hear at the Bass Pundit flagship)
Blog Notes: I have been doing some work on the sidebar. I have added "Classic Bass Pundit" which is a list of links to classic Bass Pundit Posts. I moved the Minnesota Featured Adoptable Pet a little farther down than it was. I haven't received any feedback on this widget, so who knows if it is doing any good. I like to look at the dogs, but at the same time it is depressing that those cuties don't have homes yet. I put the Blogroll-O-BassNblog above the Pro Bass Info blogroll. I also moved the 2008 BP Bass Derby results and links down to the bottom of the sidebar. I will do a Derby again in 2009 if the Lord so tarries.
BassNblog reports: Hojin at Rattletrap Ramblings has a tournament report. He says he "skunked it up" and called it "Skunk City" but he caught bass and even some keepers. That is not a skunk in BP's book. Anyway I encourage BP readers to go and give Hojin some encouragement. blog has gotten a facelift and he has recently added some posts. I think that his new background color makes the blog a bit more difficult to read than it should be.
ULTIMATEBASS blog has some outstanding content up right now. I should drop by that blog more often. There is an excellent blog entry about bass fishing in South Korea. It is really too bad that South Korean bass fishing bloggers The Lost Nomad and The Bass Hole have gone silent.
Sadly it looks like the blog Fishing the Trail by David Gnewikow is no longer around. This guy had an excellent blog with great tournament day stories.
Boyd Duckett has added a recent blog entry. He is going to be doing a monthly column called "The Duckett Exchange." This month he talks about the state of the economy and bass fishing.
(I must say that BP vs. Cyberfish blog layout is whole lot nicer looking than what I have hear at the Bass Pundit flagship)
Blog Notes: I have been doing some work on the sidebar. I have added "Classic Bass Pundit" which is a list of links to classic Bass Pundit Posts. I moved the Minnesota Featured Adoptable Pet a little farther down than it was. I haven't received any feedback on this widget, so who knows if it is doing any good. I like to look at the dogs, but at the same time it is depressing that those cuties don't have homes yet. I put the Blogroll-O-BassNblog above the Pro Bass Info blogroll. I also moved the 2008 BP Bass Derby results and links down to the bottom of the sidebar. I will do a Derby again in 2009 if the Lord so tarries.
BassNblog reports: Hojin at Rattletrap Ramblings has a tournament report. He says he "skunked it up" and called it "Skunk City" but he caught bass and even some keepers. That is not a skunk in BP's book. Anyway I encourage BP readers to go and give Hojin some encouragement. blog has gotten a facelift and he has recently added some posts. I think that his new background color makes the blog a bit more difficult to read than it should be.
ULTIMATEBASS blog has some outstanding content up right now. I should drop by that blog more often. There is an excellent blog entry about bass fishing in South Korea. It is really too bad that South Korean bass fishing bloggers The Lost Nomad and The Bass Hole have gone silent.
Sadly it looks like the blog Fishing the Trail by David Gnewikow is no longer around. This guy had an excellent blog with great tournament day stories.
Boyd Duckett has added a recent blog entry. He is going to be doing a monthly column called "The Duckett Exchange." This month he talks about the state of the economy and bass fishing.
In the Mail
I got an offer to try out a DM Custom Baits Chatter Jig (They sell them through an Ebay Store). I thought they were just going to send me one to try out, but today I was surprised to receive 11 of them in two different types.
They sent 3 Mat-Rat's which have a head similar to a Booyah Swim Jig head and I am guessing it's purpose is to be used around pads and other sparse hard matted vegetation. They sell this bait in 3/8oz & 1/2oz.

The 2nd type of lure is called a Piranha Swim Jig and has a rounded head. These came with shad/swimbait bodies and grubs. They sell this one in 3/8oz, 1/2oz, and 3/4oz.
Unfortunately it is going to be a long wait before I get to try these out and compare them with the Strike King Pure Poison.
The 2nd type of lure is called a Piranha Swim Jig and has a rounded head. These came with shad/swimbait bodies and grubs. They sell this one in 3/8oz, 1/2oz, and 3/4oz.
Unfortunately it is going to be a long wait before I get to try these out and compare them with the Strike King Pure Poison.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Playoff Day!!!
The time has come. I expect the Vikes to lose, but I hope they make it a good game.
If I were Chilly I would start Frerotte. I just don't trust Tavaris, I think he is still a little to green.
Skoal Vikes!!!
Halftime: 16-14 Eagles
Certainly things could be worse with the Tavaris pick-6 and Chilly's exceptionally poor clock management to close out the half. The defence has played well but only has one fairly meaningless turnover near the end of the half. If the Vikes play as well in the 2nd half, they should have a shot.
Update: 6 minutes left Philly ball and I would say the game is over at 23-14. The Vikes offence has shut down in the 2nd half and we gave up the big play that made it a two possession lead.
Update:Well Tavaris makes a good play with his legs, the Birk hands up a bad snap Philly ball with under 3 remaining. That should pretty much do it.
Final Score:26-14 Philly
Post Game Anaylsis-Tavaris flat out did not play well enough for us to have a chance to win the game. Can't say this is a big surprize. We saw the Bucs shut down the Vikes offence in the 2nd half earlier this year and the same thing happened tonight with the Philly defence posting the 2nd half goose egg. And although the defence played well enough to keep us in the game, they could have done much better. Twice the Eagles were able to get off the goal line in the 2nd half, depriving the struggling Vikings offence of excellent starting field position. The Defence did give the Offence field position one time in the 2nd half when Jared Allen forced a fumble.
Final Analysis: the Vikes just are not good enough and without some better quarterback play next year, they won't be good enough then either. Maybe if Tavaris gets to play a full preseason than he will be ready next year, but I have my doubts; I would much rather have Aaron Rogers as a starting QB. If the Defence stays the same or gets a little better next year, we might get another shot at the playoffs.
I would like to see Chilly get fired and be replaced by Brian Billick, but I don't think that is going to happen.
If I were Chilly I would start Frerotte. I just don't trust Tavaris, I think he is still a little to green.
Skoal Vikes!!!
Halftime: 16-14 Eagles
Certainly things could be worse with the Tavaris pick-6 and Chilly's exceptionally poor clock management to close out the half. The defence has played well but only has one fairly meaningless turnover near the end of the half. If the Vikes play as well in the 2nd half, they should have a shot.
Update: 6 minutes left Philly ball and I would say the game is over at 23-14. The Vikes offence has shut down in the 2nd half and we gave up the big play that made it a two possession lead.
Update:Well Tavaris makes a good play with his legs, the Birk hands up a bad snap Philly ball with under 3 remaining. That should pretty much do it.
Final Score:26-14 Philly
Post Game Anaylsis-Tavaris flat out did not play well enough for us to have a chance to win the game. Can't say this is a big surprize. We saw the Bucs shut down the Vikes offence in the 2nd half earlier this year and the same thing happened tonight with the Philly defence posting the 2nd half goose egg. And although the defence played well enough to keep us in the game, they could have done much better. Twice the Eagles were able to get off the goal line in the 2nd half, depriving the struggling Vikings offence of excellent starting field position. The Defence did give the Offence field position one time in the 2nd half when Jared Allen forced a fumble.
Final Analysis: the Vikes just are not good enough and without some better quarterback play next year, they won't be good enough then either. Maybe if Tavaris gets to play a full preseason than he will be ready next year, but I have my doubts; I would much rather have Aaron Rogers as a starting QB. If the Defence stays the same or gets a little better next year, we might get another shot at the playoffs.
I would like to see Chilly get fired and be replaced by Brian Billick, but I don't think that is going to happen.
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Birthday and Christmas Presents
Today we had a family double Birthday party and belated Christmas with my two neices and Belle and Mal had a blast openning presents. I gave Mal a Big Mouth Billy Bass because she likes those animated animals. I gave Isabelle the board game Husker Doo! Husker Doo! is a memory game and while we were teaching it to Isabelle she got a couple of the hidden matches in a row and I called her a shark, which she seemed to take a little offence too. A little later I got a couple of matches in a row and she proclaimed "Uncle Dave, you are a shark." It was hilarious. The girls got several nice toys. My neice Mallory is a doll and she really gets a kick out of playing with uncle Jeff.
For presents I got a really nice picture frame with picture of Belle and Mal from when they were in a wedding as flowergirls, a $50 Gift Certificate from Reeds Family Outdoor Outfitters and
The Great Minnesota Fish Book It is a cool book with awesome illustrations and info on all of Minnesota's species of fish minus a couple of recently introduced exotics.
For presents I got a really nice picture frame with picture of Belle and Mal from when they were in a wedding as flowergirls, a $50 Gift Certificate from Reeds Family Outdoor Outfitters and

Happy Birthday to BP!!! (1 year to go until the big 4-Ohh!!!)
BP found:

Bassholes: I wonder if these guys are the same Bassholes that used to have a website and message board by the same name a couple of years ago.
They have a message board that looks pretty good. Hellabass has been posting there for a while.
found thanks to Rattletrap Ramblings blog who's blogger Hojin is fishing a tournament today down in Florida.
Bass Fishing by P. Roberts Due to Bassholes I found a brand new BassNblog out of Illinois. Go give the new guy a look.
Apparently Google is going to add a search engine just for blogs. I put in "Bass Fishing" to see what would happen. I thought Hellabass would be first up but he didn't come up for several pages. Bass Pundit was 1st entry on the 2nd page. Anyway I found 1 new BassNblog out of that. It's simply called Bass Fishing.
BP found:

Bassholes: I wonder if these guys are the same Bassholes that used to have a website and message board by the same name a couple of years ago.
They have a message board that looks pretty good. Hellabass has been posting there for a while.
found thanks to Rattletrap Ramblings blog who's blogger Hojin is fishing a tournament today down in Florida.
Bass Fishing by P. Roberts Due to Bassholes I found a brand new BassNblog out of Illinois. Go give the new guy a look.
Apparently Google is going to add a search engine just for blogs. I put in "Bass Fishing" to see what would happen. I thought Hellabass would be first up but he didn't come up for several pages. Bass Pundit was 1st entry on the 2nd page. Anyway I found 1 new BassNblog out of that. It's simply called Bass Fishing.
Friday, January 02, 2009
Fishing Rod Nightmare
Last night I had an honest to goodness nightmare about one of those G Loomis 783c's with a Team Daiwa X that I have recently bought going missing on me. I was in a group of people that were going to go fishing or do something with fishing rods and I set the G Loomis down. When I went to pick it up a few moments later it was gone. I was checking out all the fishing rods other people were holding but they didn't have it. The group then went to a place where there was a bunch more fishing rods and I was frantically checking all the rods out. I thought I had found my combo a couple of different times but on closer inspection they were not it. I woke up and was so glad it was only a dream.
Thursday, January 01, 2009
All is quiet on New Year's Day,
A world in white gets underway,
And I want to be with you,
Be with you night and day.
Nothing changes on New Year's Day.
by U2
Youtube Video of U2 New Year's Day Here...
Happy Birthday Jeff!!!!
And I want to be with you,
Be with you night and day.
Nothing changes on New Year's Day.
by U2
Youtube Video of U2 New Year's Day Here...
Happy Birthday Jeff!!!!
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