Friday, March 25, 2011

Another Canadian Bass Fishing Blogger Babe

The Argosgirl Chronicles Found out about this blog because it's author won the first GLoomis rod giveaway at Bass Parade. The blog only started in February on her second post ever was about the Bassmaster Classic. So Rebecca joins Ashley Rae as a bass fishing blogging babe from the Great White North, Eh!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey congratulations on your win. I just followed you and have just started my new blog and would appreciate you coming by and follow. Maybe we can keep up with what each is doing. Thanks.
Ablaze Siding Dayton Ohio

Ashley Rae said...

Why thank you :)

Rebecca said...

Wow! Thanks so much for the post! Pretty awesome to be mentioned with Ashley :)

Craig - Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I'll definitely be following you.

Jeremy Thornton said...

Ofta' that is a very nice blog. The wordpress platform sorta dominates our blogger stuff. Thanks for the lead on another good blog BP

Eric said...

there needs to be more girls like you bass fishing.