I hit Bulldog with the float tube around a quarter to 8 from the access and headed South. All I threw was the Horny Toad and it was pretty dead. I caught a 11.5" and 12.75" bass and missed a few more unimpressive hits. The fish just are not in less than 3 feet of water in the rice and pads. I went around to the big pad bed again. I made my way back fairly quick and had enough time to hit Jenny's again, but that was a bust.
You would think with the high water the shallows would be supercharged, but that is not what I am finding. I think I'm going to have to put the float tube away.
Here are a couple of my other recent trips I didn't bother to post on Bass Pundit:
THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 2011 Jenny's Skunk and The Dog
FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 2011 Floating Rock
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