Things have not gone as smooth as I would have liked them to at this point. The guy I bought the computer from was going to transfer all my stuff from the old computer to the new computer with some program and a special cable. When he tried to do it we learned that the software was not compatible with Windows Millenium Edition which is the old computers operating system. RATS. The next hitch is that the guy did not want to take a check and he did not let me know that when I went to his place this morning. We ended up driving to Onamia just to find out that the bank there would not cash a check for me. I don't get it, the gas station and grocery store have machines that verify a check is valid but a bank can't do that. I didn't know my PIN so the cash machine was out. It turned out that he forgot his special cable so we drove back to the house and I paid him with the cash I did have, which was a little less than half of the full amount. He ended up taking a check for the other half.
Now for the biggest glitch of them all. I was able to find and save the multitude of Internet Explorer bookmarks I have accumulated over the past 6 years. I found a folder named "Favorites" in the new computer and plopped the information down. Problem is that this seems to be the wrong folder and I cannot find the right one. The Internet Explorer Help talks about "importing" favorites, but the instructions given for some reason don't match up with what I am able to do. There is supposed to be an available drop down menu that just doesn't exist when I hit the "Favorties" tab. I have concluded that I am stuck exactly where I didn't want to be, the process of rebuilding my Favorites manually is going to take a long time.
Otherwise things seem to be OK. I got my Mom's Outlook Express email stuff squared away and I don't think I am going to have any problems transfering the other stuff I want on this computer. It is just going to take some time and effort.
The new computer specs are that it is 2.7Ghz up from 1Ghz on the old computer. It has a 100 gigabyte hard drive up from 40 and has 1 full gigabyte of RAM, up from less than 200 on the old machine. The operating system is Windows XP, so that is a big upgrade.
I don't know if it is the IE8 or the monitor control panel settings but the size and look of websites are quite different with this machine. Everything is smaller, the spacing is much different, and even some of the fonts on the blog look entirely different.
From Minnesocold, Bass Fishing Blog Capitol of the World!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Mille Lacs Mini and Computer Upgrade
This morning I went over to Wahkon Minnesota in the middle of the South end of Mille Lacs lake to check out a computer that was for sale on Craigslist. I have decided to buy the computer as it should be a serious upgrade to what I am using now. The guy I am buying it from is going to install it tonight, so this may be my last post from this old computer.
On the way back I stopped at Eddy's and caught this dink smallmouth bass and I think I lost another.
On the way back I stopped at Eddy's and caught this dink smallmouth bass and I think I lost another.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Break from Fishing???
Today we pulled the Trophy out of the lake to put in a new impeller on the motor. When Pete was here he said it wasn't spitting water well enough and that it needed to be replaced. Cyberfish the motors owner was of the opinion that the motor never spit water very well and I tend to think that has been the case. Anyway I continued to use the boat and when I ran it, it did dribble water at a steady rate and it's not like I take the motor at full throttle for very long runs. Still for some unknown reason the boat has been losing speed noticeably. Today on the way to the ramp my max speed was about 13mph which is off another 3 mph from what it was when I last ran the boat. It is possible the culprit is a combination of weeds on the prop shaft and rain water accumulating in the boat that isn't draining for some reason. I first noticed the slow down after it had rained pretty good and the weeds had come up on the way out from the dock. So anyway the Trophy is out of play for a few days minimum.
It appears that my shore fishing spots at Mille Lacs and the GOMH have dried up to pretty much nothing and the weather is turning hotter than my comfort range.
However if I do get the itch and the weather is right I have the option of running the "Slop Slip" or maybe breaking out the float tube on some of the smaller area lakes or even hitting Mille Lacs in the float tube like Cyberfish and I did a couple of years ago.
It appears that my shore fishing spots at Mille Lacs and the GOMH have dried up to pretty much nothing and the weather is turning hotter than my comfort range.
However if I do get the itch and the weather is right I have the option of running the "Slop Slip" or maybe breaking out the float tube on some of the smaller area lakes or even hitting Mille Lacs in the float tube like Cyberfish and I did a couple of years ago.
Bass Snatchers Club South Long June 21st Report
South Long Lake was the location of my 2nd Baxter Bass Snatchers Bass Club tournament of the year. The weather forecast for the day called for overcast with showers arriving in the late morning and continuing into the afternoon with 10-15mph SE winds building in the late morning. The actual weather was pretty close to the forecast although the sun came out from about 9 to 11AM and the winds seemed to be lighter than predicted. At the end of the tournament day there was light rain that got a little heavier around weigh in at 3PM. I never put on rain gear and was saved at the weigh in because there was a tent set up for us. We were fortunate to be able to weigh in at a home on the lake.
My boater Dwight and I launched on the North end of the lake around 6AM and then we had to make our way South to the Public Access where we would have the blast off. On the way South Dwight pointed out some docks that we would hit first thing if a lot of boats went to the South end of the lake at blast off. Dwight and I were last boat to blast off out of 11 boats so we would see where everyone else went first.
I think we had blast off around 6:50AM and all but 1 boat went North, so Dwight and I went back to the original plan which was to go to the South end of the lake to start the day. On our way South we hit some docks that we pulled some good fish off of when we pre-fished. Nobody was home and so we made our way to the South End of the the lake just to the North of where the river flows out. The plan was to spend the morning and possibly most of the day working the slop in the South end of the lake. I started out throwing a white Zoom Horny Toad and had a fish blow up on it right away but I missed it. It wouldn't go after the Horny Toad again, so I followed up with a bubblegum Zoom Super Fluke which was promptly slashed at by the fish which turned out to be a pike. We moved on.
As we made our way North Dwight had a blow up on his Spro Frog and it was a good fish that we got a good look at when it jumped. Unfortunately it buried itself in the lily pads and got off. I think that was the only bite we got working North in this particular run of slop. When we got to where the slop ended there was another tournament boat so we headed across the bay to work some more slop, predominated by pads. While working this stretch I had a big blow up on a yellow Zoom Horny Toad that didn't hook up and I didn't get anything with my follow ups. We went for a long stretch without anything but when we got close to where the river flows out I had another blow up that didn't hook up. I threw right back and let the toad sink and there was a swirl so I set the hook and landed 12.5" keeper. As we kept moving North we were now reworking the water we started on. As we were passing a dock with a pontoon I made a nice long cast with a bubblegum Zoom Super Fluke beyond the pontoon in front of where a short section of dock came out. Sure enough there was a swirl and I set the hook. The fish moved to my left behind the pontoon and my line got caught up with a rope on the pontoon and the bass completely came out of the water. Dwight quickly moved us over there and netted the 12.75" bass. That would be the last fish on the far South end of the lake. After running pretty much to the end of the slop run we decided to move out of the area.
Once again when we got to the narrows we hit the docks that gave up good fish when we pre-fished. Dwight pulled a small keeper off of one of the docks. We ended up running a lot of shallow docks moving North and didn't get anymore bites. We moved out into some reeds and didn't get any bites. We moved on to a weed flat and didn't get any bites. We moved into some slop/pads and Dwight pulled a solid 2 pounder on a black/blue jig and beaver pitching in the pads. I was throwing a Horny Toad and not getting any bites. We worked the area without any more bites, so we decided to head to the North end of the lake to some slop where we got some hits in pre-fish.
The area we went to on the North end of the lake had junk weeds, pads, and some docks. Near a dock I spotted a 2lb bass close to the boat and cast to it with the yellow Zoom Horny Toad. It started swimming towards the Toad like it was going to take it, but then veered off and disappeared; none of my follow ups would find this fish. As we were moving along Dwight spotted a solid 2+ pound fish that had a lure in the side of it's mouth but all the fish did was swim right by the boat. We got to another dock and I had a blow up on a black Zoom Horny Toad but once again I didn't hook up. Dwight flipped into some weeds by this dock and had a pick up but he didn't hook the fish. I immediately threw back to the spot of my blow up with the bubblegum Super Fluke and was rewarded with a 14.25" bass. We kept working this area which looked awesome but couldn't find anymore fish.
Dwight conferred with me and I suggested we go hit an area about mid point in the lake where there was reeds, pads, maidencane, cattails and slop and so that is where we went. Dwight was working us into some docks before we would go into the reeds and pads when he connected with a 2lb bass on a white spinnerbait. I sent a short fish flying on a hook set with the black Horny Toad. As we got into the reeds there was a pontoon fishing to the South of us and Dwight spotted them pull in a dogfish and two bass on spinnerbaits, so he threw his spinnerbait and was rewarded with keeper bass that filled his limit. I started throwing a gold/white Brovarney Swim Jig with gold glitter 5" Action Plastic Super Mag grub and caught a 12inch keeper. I threw the swim jig into an opening in the reeds and something bit at the jig but didn't get it. I threw back and it was fish on. As I was reeling it in it jumped way out of the water and then dove and pulled off. Dwight thought it was a 4lb+ fish; I didn't get the greatest look at it but it was a 3lber minimum. Missing this fish really hurt me. I continued to throw the swim jig and caught a 14.75" and another fish that was just over 12.
Dwight culled a couple of times pitching a black/blue jig in the weeds. I tried a black/blue jig without success and then went to throwing the black Zoom Horny Toad with which I culled a 12 incher with a 12.75" and a 12.15" with a 13.5". We went back and worked over the most productive stretch of water but couldn't get bit so once again we headed South to the pads where Dwight pulled the fish on the jig. I was throwing the Horny Toad and had a couple of fish that had to be small swipe at it. It started to rain and conditions seemed perfect for the fish to get active so we worked ourselves into a reed bed but couldn't get bit.
We were running out of time, so we headed across the way to some sparse pads. I had a big dogfish follow my Horny Toad, but there were no bass to be found and it was time to head to weigh in on the North end of the lake.
Due to the low club turn out, the 15th place finish tied my 2nd best placement in the club this far to date. Had I caught the big one that got off I probably would have moved up 3 more places and possibly as many as 6 if it was over 4lbs like Dwight thought.
Post Tournament Thoughts: This one was a disappointment in that the fishing wasn't nearly as good as I expected it to be. The quality of the fish I got on the Horny Toad was a let down. My execution on fish that bit was a bit of a let down especially due to the fact that my opportunities were limited. The size of the fish I am catching so far this year is a let down. Basically I am now scrapping the bottom of the barrel among those who have fished both tournaments and weren't disqualified. I am not fishing as well as I did at this point last year even though I actually have 1 more point than I did at this point last year. Bottom line is that I expect to fish better than the level I have been performing at this year in the tournaments.
Our next tournament isn't until July 18th and is at Lake Ida North of Alexandria. I have never fished the lake and don't really know much about it other than it has smallmouth in addition to largies. I am thinking that my partner draw in this one is going to be especially crucial to the outcome for me. My partner draws so far this year are better than my results should indicate. If any Bass Pundit reader wants to fill me in on Ida my email is .
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Saved By A Bullhead
I thought I was going to have a triple Skunk on my hands until this little jumpin bullhead pulled down the Spro Frog right next to shore and came back with the hook set. I caught it on the SE side of the GOMH.
It would have been a triple skunk because of my luck at Eddy's. Last night I left my the little tackle boxes with my hooks and beads on the boat and due to some bad luck they ended up going home with somebody else. So not getting my stuff back was the 1st skunk. The 2nd Skunk was not catching anything when I went fishing off Eddy's Jetty.
I think tonight was probably my last trip to the GOMH until Fall.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Eddy's Launch with Dad
The day had been hot with thunderstorms that passed to the north cooling things down. By the time we were out at 6PM it was partly cloudy and in the mid 80's with a light South breeze. The Launch headed South of Rocky Reef in about 22 feet of water. A lady in the back of the boat with us caught a little walleye immediately. I was the first between Dad and I to get on the board with a nice jumbo perch that I gave away to a lady who wanted it. This woman's name was Oksana and she is a Russian immigrant who was out fishing with her son. Dad and I talked with her a lot and learned she was a massage therapist which will come into play a little later.
Dad got on the board with a little walleye.
The boat was catching lots of little fish at the 1st stop, so we moved around 8PM when a little thunderstorm came up and sprinkled and rumbled a little. The storm wasn't nearly enough to force us off the water. Right away in the new location a guy in the front of the boat caught a 25 inch protected slot fish. Pretty soon a few keepers and more overs were comming aboard. My bobber went down and I hooked into this 17 inch keeper.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Platte Lake: Quality and Runts
Originally I wasn't going to fish today, but it was so nice out I decided to hit the lake after it cooled down a little bit. It got to 86 and was partly cloudy, so the sun was out all day and I thought I might get into some good dock fishing. I wanted to hit the lake at 6PM but I was held up re-organizing my tackle from the tournament bag to the boat. While I was doing that the UPS man showed up with my order from Action Plastics. I finally got my gear together around 6:30PM and I headed for the lake place.
I got the gear in the boat and decided to put one of my new Action Plastics on a parrot Outkast Swim Jig and throw a few casts. The grub I put on was a 5" "cool ice" Mag Grub. "Cool Ice" is a clear blueish grub with multi colored tinsel strips embedded in the plastic. On the very first cast this 16 incher blew up on the jig.

I threw a few more casts off the dock, loaded up the rest of my gear and headed across the bay to the docks I fished 8 days ago. I actually started a little farther to the West so I would hit more docks. There was a little bit of wind blowing on this shoreline but I still had reasonable control when skipping a Zoom Super Fluke. On about the 4th dock I pulled 2 bass that went 10.75" on a bubblegum Super Fluke. As I worked my way onto last weeks productive docks, pads, and weeds I noticed a distinct lack of fish activity. 8 days ago I was seeing plenty of sunfish and even a bass or two in addition to catching fish. I didn't get any bites on the pads or weeds. I finally got down to a dock that has been very good to me and I made a good cast and was rewarded with a 16" bass. My bubblegum Fluke disappeared in the fight, so I changed to "electric chicken" which I have mistakenly called "funky chicken." I went back and reworked the previous dock with the Fluke and was rewarded with a 12.75" largie. I then went back and reworked the 16 inchers dock with a black and blue Terminator jig with sapphire Denny Brauer Chunk. I tossed in under the pontoon boat lift and a quality fish picked it up. I was not able to get the fish up and over part of the lift before it got off. This success convinced me to keep hitting docks as I kept going beyond where I stopped 8 days ago. I got 1 more 15.25" bass off a boat lift with the jig.
Around 8PM I was basically out of docks. I threw the Outkast swim jig on the weed flat and caught a little pike. After a few more casts with the jig I tried a Frenzy Popper but couldn't raise anything. Next on my tour was reeds, pads, and rice so I started throwing a Zoom Horny Toad and then a white Spro Bronzeye Frog and not much was happening. I worked my way into the big reed bed in our bay and a fish hit something in the distance so I zeroed in on that spot. Sure enough I was rewarded with a nice bass attacking the frog, but I lost it on the way in. A few casts later I caught a little pike and that was it for the night.
I fished for a little over two and a half hours and caught 6 bass and 2 pike, so it was kind of slow but I am not gonna complain after yesterdays tournament.
Story: Almost forgot. I came across a guy who was fishing off a dock and we started talking. He heard from one of the guys on the Platte Lake Association board that the DNR did some electrofishing this year and the bass numbers were really high. He didn't know anything about size make up, but he goes on to tell me that Platte Lake fish are long and skinny, but I've caught plenty of bass to know the bass are usually either about normal with a few that qualify as super chunks that are heavy for their size.
I got the gear in the boat and decided to put one of my new Action Plastics on a parrot Outkast Swim Jig and throw a few casts. The grub I put on was a 5" "cool ice" Mag Grub. "Cool Ice" is a clear blueish grub with multi colored tinsel strips embedded in the plastic. On the very first cast this 16 incher blew up on the jig.
I threw a few more casts off the dock, loaded up the rest of my gear and headed across the bay to the docks I fished 8 days ago. I actually started a little farther to the West so I would hit more docks. There was a little bit of wind blowing on this shoreline but I still had reasonable control when skipping a Zoom Super Fluke. On about the 4th dock I pulled 2 bass that went 10.75" on a bubblegum Super Fluke. As I worked my way onto last weeks productive docks, pads, and weeds I noticed a distinct lack of fish activity. 8 days ago I was seeing plenty of sunfish and even a bass or two in addition to catching fish. I didn't get any bites on the pads or weeds. I finally got down to a dock that has been very good to me and I made a good cast and was rewarded with a 16" bass. My bubblegum Fluke disappeared in the fight, so I changed to "electric chicken" which I have mistakenly called "funky chicken." I went back and reworked the previous dock with the Fluke and was rewarded with a 12.75" largie. I then went back and reworked the 16 inchers dock with a black and blue Terminator jig with sapphire Denny Brauer Chunk. I tossed in under the pontoon boat lift and a quality fish picked it up. I was not able to get the fish up and over part of the lift before it got off. This success convinced me to keep hitting docks as I kept going beyond where I stopped 8 days ago. I got 1 more 15.25" bass off a boat lift with the jig.
Around 8PM I was basically out of docks. I threw the Outkast swim jig on the weed flat and caught a little pike. After a few more casts with the jig I tried a Frenzy Popper but couldn't raise anything. Next on my tour was reeds, pads, and rice so I started throwing a Zoom Horny Toad and then a white Spro Bronzeye Frog and not much was happening. I worked my way into the big reed bed in our bay and a fish hit something in the distance so I zeroed in on that spot. Sure enough I was rewarded with a nice bass attacking the frog, but I lost it on the way in. A few casts later I caught a little pike and that was it for the night.
I fished for a little over two and a half hours and caught 6 bass and 2 pike, so it was kind of slow but I am not gonna complain after yesterdays tournament.
Story: Almost forgot. I came across a guy who was fishing off a dock and we started talking. He heard from one of the guys on the Platte Lake Association board that the DNR did some electrofishing this year and the bass numbers were really high. He didn't know anything about size make up, but he goes on to tell me that Platte Lake fish are long and skinny, but I've caught plenty of bass to know the bass are usually either about normal with a few that qualify as super chunks that are heavy for their size.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Disappointing Day On the Water
Today was my 2nd Baxter Bass Snatcher club tournament of the year and it did not go as I hoped. I did get a limit but they were peanuts. It is not good when you have a 6 fish limit that doesn't break 8lbs. Adding to my disappointment is that I dumped a fish that might have contended for the days big bass. The bite for my boat just was not as good as I expected it to be given the weather conditions of the day and preceeding week. My boater did OK on the strength of some spinnerbait and pitching a jig fish. Full report when I know the results.
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Actually I didn't fish much today. I made some casts from the dock at the lake place this morning and then tonight at 8:30PM I hit the GOMH with a white Spro Rojas frog and came up empty on just one hit that didn't get the frog.
Tommorrow is my Bass Snatcher Tournament at lower South Long. Hopefully the Zoom Horny Toad will be gold. Looks like it won't be to hot with a chance that it will be overcast. After this weeks fishing I should be ready.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Dog and Hawg Night (Ok maybe no hawgs)
Once again tonight there was the chance of thunderstorms, but tonight they missed me completely. There was a pretty big looking storm quite away to the North. When I started fishing at 5:30PM it was overcast with a 7mph West wind, but it cleared up around 6:30PM and the wind died to around 3mph.
I decided to start at the reed bed at the South end of the big island where I started yesterday. I wanted to see if the area might have gotten better, but it didn't. My first fish was a pike on the watermelon red Zoom Horny Toad. I only got a single 14 inch bass on the stuff I fished yesterday. Instead of pulling out when I was done fishing the point of the reeds I headed West to fish in the very sparse reeds and also along the South Shore of the Island. I came to a few good looking trees in the water but they were not holding fish. I did however pick up an occasional pike or bass on a black/red Monsoor Swim Jig with black/red fleck Zoom Speed Craw among the very space reeds. One little area gave up several fish including this 22" dogfish.

I fished around the Southwest tip of the big island and a little ways up the West shore without success. The sun had come out now and once again I retraced last nights locations and hit the docks and reeds off the tip of the North Point of Channel Inn bay. I didn't get anything off the docks but got two quality bass out of the reeds on the Horny Toad. I took this one's picture because it was as big as anything I caught last night at 15.5".

Next I headed to the NW corner of the lake where once again I fished last night. I pretty much committed to the Zoom Horny Toad for the rest of the night catching some quality fish in the process. I caught a 15.5" and then I got this 16.5"

As I got to the end of the run of the big reed bed I was fishing I nailed this 17.5" which was big fish of the night.

A couple minutes later I got another 16". There was still some light left so I ran to a point on the North end of the lake. This move turned out to be a disappointment because I caught 1 small bass, missed a little pike that I didn't want to catch anyway and I missed either a dogfish or a big bass right by the boat; I am pretty sure it was a dogfish. When it was clear this area would not pan out there was still enough light left to hit the other point and so I did that but all I did was miss 3 or 4 bites which very well all might have been pike. I finished around 9:40.
So in 4 hours fished I caught 16 bass, 8 pike, and 1 dogfish. Last night I fished an hour longer had 1 less bass and the size of my best 6 were quite a bit smaller, so tonight was the better night.
I decided to start at the reed bed at the South end of the big island where I started yesterday. I wanted to see if the area might have gotten better, but it didn't. My first fish was a pike on the watermelon red Zoom Horny Toad. I only got a single 14 inch bass on the stuff I fished yesterday. Instead of pulling out when I was done fishing the point of the reeds I headed West to fish in the very sparse reeds and also along the South Shore of the Island. I came to a few good looking trees in the water but they were not holding fish. I did however pick up an occasional pike or bass on a black/red Monsoor Swim Jig with black/red fleck Zoom Speed Craw among the very space reeds. One little area gave up several fish including this 22" dogfish.
I fished around the Southwest tip of the big island and a little ways up the West shore without success. The sun had come out now and once again I retraced last nights locations and hit the docks and reeds off the tip of the North Point of Channel Inn bay. I didn't get anything off the docks but got two quality bass out of the reeds on the Horny Toad. I took this one's picture because it was as big as anything I caught last night at 15.5".
Next I headed to the NW corner of the lake where once again I fished last night. I pretty much committed to the Zoom Horny Toad for the rest of the night catching some quality fish in the process. I caught a 15.5" and then I got this 16.5"
As I got to the end of the run of the big reed bed I was fishing I nailed this 17.5" which was big fish of the night.
A couple minutes later I got another 16". There was still some light left so I ran to a point on the North end of the lake. This move turned out to be a disappointment because I caught 1 small bass, missed a little pike that I didn't want to catch anyway and I missed either a dogfish or a big bass right by the boat; I am pretty sure it was a dogfish. When it was clear this area would not pan out there was still enough light left to hit the other point and so I did that but all I did was miss 3 or 4 bites which very well all might have been pike. I finished around 9:40.
So in 4 hours fished I caught 16 bass, 8 pike, and 1 dogfish. Last night I fished an hour longer had 1 less bass and the size of my best 6 were quite a bit smaller, so tonight was the better night.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tonight's Platte Lake Report: Smallish Fish
Today was cloudy and humid with temps in the high 70's with little wind to no wind. The big question when I went out fishing tonight was how long I could stay out before a thunderstorm chased me off the lake. While I was out a thunderstorm passed to the South around 6PM and then the storms held off until around 9:30PM which is quitting time anyway pretty much. I beat the start of a thunderstorm to the dock by about 5 minutes. If you ask me, I would consider tonights fishing conditions to be about perfect which leaves me a little disappoined in my results.
I was fishing a little before 4:30PM and my first stop was the reed bed off the Southern tip of the big Island. It didn't take long and I had a hit on watermelon red Zoom Horny Toad. I got a good hookset but the plastic on the frog kind of got hung up on the hook and the fish got off. I was not happy. A little while later I broke the ice with this 13" on the Toad.

A few minutes later I was fishing with a black with Chartreuse nose River2Sea Bully Wa and the biggest fish of the night inhaled it.

It's sad to say, but the night's big fish was only 15.25. I worked this reed bed for about an hour and a half and only got 4 or 5 bass and maybe 1 pike.
Next I decided to head West as it looked like the closet thunderstorm was going to pass to the South. I worked around the North side of the small island with various jigs and a the Horny Toad and only caught 1 small pike. After that I headed to some docks and the reeds off the North Point of Channel Inn Bay. I picked a couple of 12inch bass off the docks on a Strike King Z-Too and then it was into the reeds. I had a really good bite from what I believe was a big bass on the Horny Toad but I didn't muscle the fish like I should have and it buried itself in the reeds and got off. I think I caught 1 or 2 small bass from the reeds and had several strikes from small pike. Once it was clear the reeds were not going to be very productive I worked the rice on the NW shore of Channel Inn bay. I don't think I even had a hit in the Rice.
It was now after 7PM and I needed to make a move. I decided on hitting the NW corner of the lake where there is a mix of reeds, rice, and some pads. It wasn't that bad of a choice as I had my best action of the night getting 8 or 9 bass and a couple of pike with several more strikes. I pretty much went with the Horny Toad and Bully Wa to get these fish.
In 5 hours of fishing I got 15 bass and 4 pike, but I had at least 10 more strikes from what I am sure where little pike.
Bass in order caught: 13,15.25,13.5,13,12.5,12,12.75,13.75,13,13.25,15,14,13.75,12,11.5
Story: I almost forgot. I had a little bass take the Bully Wa frog. Before I set the hook sometimes I feel to make sure the fish is there and I was doing that when this 11 inch bass shoots about 3 feet into the air and spits the Bully Wa up another couple of feet. It was quite remarkable.
I was fishing a little before 4:30PM and my first stop was the reed bed off the Southern tip of the big Island. It didn't take long and I had a hit on watermelon red Zoom Horny Toad. I got a good hookset but the plastic on the frog kind of got hung up on the hook and the fish got off. I was not happy. A little while later I broke the ice with this 13" on the Toad.
A few minutes later I was fishing with a black with Chartreuse nose River2Sea Bully Wa and the biggest fish of the night inhaled it.
It's sad to say, but the night's big fish was only 15.25. I worked this reed bed for about an hour and a half and only got 4 or 5 bass and maybe 1 pike.
Next I decided to head West as it looked like the closet thunderstorm was going to pass to the South. I worked around the North side of the small island with various jigs and a the Horny Toad and only caught 1 small pike. After that I headed to some docks and the reeds off the North Point of Channel Inn Bay. I picked a couple of 12inch bass off the docks on a Strike King Z-Too and then it was into the reeds. I had a really good bite from what I believe was a big bass on the Horny Toad but I didn't muscle the fish like I should have and it buried itself in the reeds and got off. I think I caught 1 or 2 small bass from the reeds and had several strikes from small pike. Once it was clear the reeds were not going to be very productive I worked the rice on the NW shore of Channel Inn bay. I don't think I even had a hit in the Rice.
It was now after 7PM and I needed to make a move. I decided on hitting the NW corner of the lake where there is a mix of reeds, rice, and some pads. It wasn't that bad of a choice as I had my best action of the night getting 8 or 9 bass and a couple of pike with several more strikes. I pretty much went with the Horny Toad and Bully Wa to get these fish.
In 5 hours of fishing I got 15 bass and 4 pike, but I had at least 10 more strikes from what I am sure where little pike.
Bass in order caught: 13,15.25,13.5,13,12.5,12,12.75,13.75,13,13.25,15,14,13.75,12,11.5
Story: I almost forgot. I had a little bass take the Bully Wa frog. Before I set the hook sometimes I feel to make sure the fish is there and I was doing that when this 11 inch bass shoots about 3 feet into the air and spits the Bully Wa up another couple of feet. It was quite remarkable.
BP Bass Blogger Derby Has A New Leader.

Jason Holmer of Minnesota Bass Fishing is now at the top of the standings with some outstanding fish from the far North, Pelican Lake by Orr.
4.80lbs Smallie
4.70lbs Smallie
4.00lbs Smallie
Total= 22.40lbs
Check out all the latest action at:
Bass Pundit Minnesocold Bass Bloggers Derby 2009 blog.
(Several new fish have been added)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tonight's Platte Lake Report: Slow 2 hours.
I helped Dad with some stuff and went to the Chiropractor and had dinner in Pierz so I wasn't fishing until 7:30PM tonight. Since I only had a couple of hours I elected to stay close to the lake place. I basically started in the SE corner of our bay and worked myself a little less than 3/4ths of the way back. It was overcast when I started but the sun came out around 8:30 before it disappeared below the trees around 9. I fished a couple of docks, reeds, rice, and some pads.
My first fish was this 14.25" bass that took a white Strike King Z-Too (Fluke) in a clearing near rice, reeds, and pads. My next fish was a little pike out of the reeds on the Z-Too. I got a 12" bass shallow off a dock on the Z-Too. Then I got another pike in some reeds on the parrot Outkast Swim Jig with electric blue 5" Action Plastics Super Mag Grub.
For most of the rest of the night I was in thicker rice and I struggled a bit missing my two best bites of the night. I landed an 11 and 14.25 bass on a black with chartreuse nose River2Sea Bully Wa frog and that was it. I quit around 9:30 and got in before it got to dark and the bugs got bad.
So in 2 hours I got 4 bass and 2 pike, kinda slow.
For most of the rest of the night I was in thicker rice and I struggled a bit missing my two best bites of the night. I landed an 11 and 14.25 bass on a black with chartreuse nose River2Sea Bully Wa frog and that was it. I quit around 9:30 and got in before it got to dark and the bugs got bad.
So in 2 hours I got 4 bass and 2 pike, kinda slow.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Big Dog & more on Platte Tonight
It was cloudy all day with rain in the morning and winds out of the South Southeast 5-10mph. The forecast for the evenings fishing was more of the same with possible showers. I started fishing around 5:30PM. My first stop was at what is probably the largest reed bed still remaining on Platte Lake, it is on the NE side of the big center bay on Platte. I have fished here on parts or all of it a few times this year with marginal success. The Plan was to start on the South end and let the wind blow me to the North End using the trolling motor to get to spots as needed.
The first fish of the night was a pike that fell for a black/red Monsoor Swim Jig with black red fleck Zoom Speed Craw trailer. My first bass was this 12 incher that took a Bully Wa frog.

Other than this fish, the surface bite was a non-factor tonight. I worked the reed bed for a good hour and a half and only had 5 small bass and 4 small pike to show for it. I did also miss my best bites when fish buried me in the reeds. I didn't figure out how to fight fish in the reeds until later on in the evening.
Around 7:15 it was decision time. I weighed some of my options and decided on trying the NW corner of the lake in spite of the problems the wind might cause me if it started blowing any harder. As I started getting close to where I wanted to start much to my dismay there was a boat there fishing already. I punted and headed to the North central part of the lake where I had some success the one time I tried it this year. The area has a maidencane bed and reeds off the side of a point and if you go to the farthest point North on the lake you run into rice and some pads. I was working my way through the maidencane casting and pitching the black/red Monsoor Swim Jig when I had a hit and it was a big ole dogfish.

She measured 28.5 inches. The gold thing in the picture is the handle for my net. Unfortunately for me the Annual Minnesota Bowfin Club Tournament ended yesterday.
I started getting bit in the reeds on the back side of the maidencane but I kept losing fish when they would bury me in the reeds. My big problem was that I was trying to power the fish with a rod that just isn't quite heavy enough to do that. Eventually I figured out that if I finessed the fish a little bit using a little give and take I could usually keep them hooked and get them to the boat. I also started catching bigger fish.

The picture of this 15.75" gives a good feel for the look of the area I was fishing. I believe this fish fell for the black/red Monsoor Jig, but what I really started having success on was a parrot Outkast Swim Jig teamed with an Action Plastics electric blue 5" Super Mag Grub. I am really impressed with the Action Plastics grub as a swim jig trailer and the great thing about them is you can buy them in bulk for a decent price. I discovered the grubs pretty much by accident when I stopped in to the Thorne Brothers Outpost and the grubs were the only thing in the store that interested me.
Here is the parrot Outkast Swim Jig:

I believe I caught this next 16.5" bass on a white and silver tinsel Brovarney Swim Jig with a black and white Action 5" Super Mag grub.

It was getting dark and I had a hit right next to the boat and it turned out to be the biggest bass I have caught out of Platte/Sullivan this year. She was only 18.25 but weighed out at 4.10lbs, so she was a gorilla. I used to catch bass like this on Platte/Sullivan on a regular basis, but it seems like they have become a scarce commodity in the last couple of years. Here she is:

I caught one more good fish then called it a night around 9:30.
I caught at least 15 bass (7 of which were over 15") and 6 or 7 small pike.
The first fish of the night was a pike that fell for a black/red Monsoor Swim Jig with black red fleck Zoom Speed Craw trailer. My first bass was this 12 incher that took a Bully Wa frog.
Other than this fish, the surface bite was a non-factor tonight. I worked the reed bed for a good hour and a half and only had 5 small bass and 4 small pike to show for it. I did also miss my best bites when fish buried me in the reeds. I didn't figure out how to fight fish in the reeds until later on in the evening.
Around 7:15 it was decision time. I weighed some of my options and decided on trying the NW corner of the lake in spite of the problems the wind might cause me if it started blowing any harder. As I started getting close to where I wanted to start much to my dismay there was a boat there fishing already. I punted and headed to the North central part of the lake where I had some success the one time I tried it this year. The area has a maidencane bed and reeds off the side of a point and if you go to the farthest point North on the lake you run into rice and some pads. I was working my way through the maidencane casting and pitching the black/red Monsoor Swim Jig when I had a hit and it was a big ole dogfish.
She measured 28.5 inches. The gold thing in the picture is the handle for my net. Unfortunately for me the Annual Minnesota Bowfin Club Tournament ended yesterday.
I started getting bit in the reeds on the back side of the maidencane but I kept losing fish when they would bury me in the reeds. My big problem was that I was trying to power the fish with a rod that just isn't quite heavy enough to do that. Eventually I figured out that if I finessed the fish a little bit using a little give and take I could usually keep them hooked and get them to the boat. I also started catching bigger fish.
The picture of this 15.75" gives a good feel for the look of the area I was fishing. I believe this fish fell for the black/red Monsoor Jig, but what I really started having success on was a parrot Outkast Swim Jig teamed with an Action Plastics electric blue 5" Super Mag Grub. I am really impressed with the Action Plastics grub as a swim jig trailer and the great thing about them is you can buy them in bulk for a decent price. I discovered the grubs pretty much by accident when I stopped in to the Thorne Brothers Outpost and the grubs were the only thing in the store that interested me.
Here is the parrot Outkast Swim Jig:

I believe I caught this next 16.5" bass on a white and silver tinsel Brovarney Swim Jig with a black and white Action 5" Super Mag grub.
It was getting dark and I had a hit right next to the boat and it turned out to be the biggest bass I have caught out of Platte/Sullivan this year. She was only 18.25 but weighed out at 4.10lbs, so she was a gorilla. I used to catch bass like this on Platte/Sullivan on a regular basis, but it seems like they have become a scarce commodity in the last couple of years. Here she is:
I caught one more good fish then called it a night around 9:30.
I caught at least 15 bass (7 of which were over 15") and 6 or 7 small pike.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Brush With Greatness

Today I was in the Brainerd Gander Mountain and for the first time in my life I met "THE MAN", that's right, none other than Al Lindner my biggest angling hero. We talked about the success of the Minnesota Fishing Challenge for Teen Challenge, fishing Platte Lake, and South Long. He noticed that I was buying some bubblegum Super Flukes and he remarked a couple of times about it being "the right color." I must say Al looked younger in person than the most recent images I have seen of him.
Al inquired about the status of Platte Lake, as he was thinking about heading out there. He said he used to fish it a lot before the bad winter kill it had in 2001?. From my report on the lake he came to the conclusion that he would be better off fishing other lakes and from my experience so far this year I can't say that I disagree with that choice. Where O where have all the big fish gone?
Anyway, it was an experience I won't soon forget.
Tonights Platte Lake Report: Nothing Special
Due to a trip into Brainerd I wasn't on the lake fishing until about 7:30PM. It was over cast with little wind. I elected to start my fishing on Loon Sex Point where I was going to fish last night but a boat was on my starting point, so I didn't go. The place I start is at the last dock before it turns to weeds as the point goes on to the East. From that dock on to the end of the point there is a mix of reeds, wild rice, and a few places with pads. From the dock to the end of the rice on the point is a distance of at least 60 to 70 yards.

I got this 1st 16" bass about 15 feet to the East of the dock in some shallow reeds and rice with pads in the vicinity on a watermelon red Zoom Horny Toad. A very good way to start the night. On my way East I saw several abandoned bass beds and I got a couple of minor strikes that didn't hook up. I was mostly throwing a white Cabela's Chuck-It frog, but decided with the overcast conditions a dark frog would be better so I switched to a black with chartreuse nose River2Sea Bully Wa. When I got to where the land ends I got a couple of strikes that I missed, then had this 16 incher just wolf down the Bully Wa as you can see.

I missed a few more hits in the weeds off the end of the point, a couple didn't really take the frog and I did a poor job of setting the hook on a couple. When I got to the end of the rice and pads on the point I started throwing the Horny Toad towards the scattered rice in the bay and I had a ferocious strike but somehow I didn't hook up. I think it was a big pike. I caught a 12" bass on the Horny Toad in the Rice.
It was coming up on 9PM and I decided to head out to the reed point that comes off the South end of the big island. I missed a weak bite and a solid bite that I should have caught off the tip of the reeds. I worked my way North towards the island and booted several good opportunities and I caught a 13" and 14" bass on the Horny Toad.
I got this 1st 16" bass about 15 feet to the East of the dock in some shallow reeds and rice with pads in the vicinity on a watermelon red Zoom Horny Toad. A very good way to start the night. On my way East I saw several abandoned bass beds and I got a couple of minor strikes that didn't hook up. I was mostly throwing a white Cabela's Chuck-It frog, but decided with the overcast conditions a dark frog would be better so I switched to a black with chartreuse nose River2Sea Bully Wa. When I got to where the land ends I got a couple of strikes that I missed, then had this 16 incher just wolf down the Bully Wa as you can see.
I missed a few more hits in the weeds off the end of the point, a couple didn't really take the frog and I did a poor job of setting the hook on a couple. When I got to the end of the rice and pads on the point I started throwing the Horny Toad towards the scattered rice in the bay and I had a ferocious strike but somehow I didn't hook up. I think it was a big pike. I caught a 12" bass on the Horny Toad in the Rice.
It was coming up on 9PM and I decided to head out to the reed point that comes off the South end of the big island. I missed a weak bite and a solid bite that I should have caught off the tip of the reeds. I worked my way North towards the island and booted several good opportunities and I caught a 13" and 14" bass on the Horny Toad.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Tonight's Platte Lake Report: Docks, Maidencane, North
Today was a beautiful day, it was in the mid 70's, sunny, and little wind in the evening. I started fishing around a quarter to 5PM. With the weather being what it was I figured docks might be good, so the plan was to start by hitting a few select docks just across the bay from our lake place.
Last year I bought some Strike King 3X Z Too's which are basically a "super plastic" Super Fluke but I never tried them out, well tonight was going to be their night. One problem, the one I put on wouldn't sink with a regular Gamagatsu 4/0 Wide Gap hook. Not happy I immediately switched to a "funky chicken" Zoom Super Fluke (bubblegum top & chartreuse belly, with a red tail). I didn't catch anything on the first couple of docks, but I was seeing sunfish activity.
I think I got this first bass (14") casting out to a couple of isolated lily pads. On the next dock down I pulled 4 bass and missed one from under a boat lift and dock. As I worked my way down the shore I seemed to have more luck in the pads and weeds out away from the docks, but at the 2nd to last dock I fished I pulled a nice 15.75" out from under a jet ski lift. I continued down the shore fishing the weeds pads and one last dock, getting a few in the 11-14" range. Also during this whole time I missed a few good bites. As I was coming to the end of the stretch of water I was going to fish there is a little group of isolated pads. I pulled 3 bass off those pads and missed a couple of other bites.
I think it was now after 7PM and it was decision time, where to head next? I was going to hit up the point at Loon Sex bay but there was a boat where I wanted to start so I audibled to go across from the Platte Lake Public access where there is maidencane, wild rice, pads, reeds, and cattails. I started out at the end of the West side of the maidencane and worked my way towards shore where the cattails are. I was using a watermelon red Zoom Horny Toad to cover water. I didn't contact fish right away and the first bite stole the buzz legs from the Toad. My first bass was a solid 15+ that smoked it. Unfortunately that was it for the quality I would catch. As I worked my way towards shore I got bass on the Horny Toad and a white/Chart Nose River2Sea Bully Wa slop frog. Unfortunately this area was holding pike and I lost Horny Toad buzz legs a couple of times and the Bully Wa frog went bye bye as well but I did boat some bass. I replaced the Bully Wa with a white Cabela's brand Chuck-It frog and when they named it the Chuck-It they weren't kidding, you can throw it a mile.
Around 8:40PM it was decision time again and I elected to head to the North end of the lake. As I was working my way out of the reeds I got a solid 24" pike on the Horny Toad. Off to the North End where I caught the biggest bass I've gotten out of Platte Lake. The area is the tip of a point where maidencane and reeds with some rice jut out into the lake. The better water tends to be when you get closer to shore after the maidencane ends. I missed the first couple of strikes and lost the buzz on a Horny Toad. I proceeded to miss several opportunities on the Toad and Chuck-It frog, but I did land about 4 bass including the nights best at 17."

(Here is the 17" with Chuck-It) It's amazing how after catching so many 11-14" fish that a 17" seems like a 19".
It was getting dark and the mosquito's started to come out so I called it a night around 9:30PM or so. My official count was 25 bass though I might have caught a few more than that and I think I also caught 4 pike.
Last year I bought some Strike King 3X Z Too's which are basically a "super plastic" Super Fluke but I never tried them out, well tonight was going to be their night. One problem, the one I put on wouldn't sink with a regular Gamagatsu 4/0 Wide Gap hook. Not happy I immediately switched to a "funky chicken" Zoom Super Fluke (bubblegum top & chartreuse belly, with a red tail). I didn't catch anything on the first couple of docks, but I was seeing sunfish activity.
I think it was now after 7PM and it was decision time, where to head next? I was going to hit up the point at Loon Sex bay but there was a boat where I wanted to start so I audibled to go across from the Platte Lake Public access where there is maidencane, wild rice, pads, reeds, and cattails. I started out at the end of the West side of the maidencane and worked my way towards shore where the cattails are. I was using a watermelon red Zoom Horny Toad to cover water. I didn't contact fish right away and the first bite stole the buzz legs from the Toad. My first bass was a solid 15+ that smoked it. Unfortunately that was it for the quality I would catch. As I worked my way towards shore I got bass on the Horny Toad and a white/Chart Nose River2Sea Bully Wa slop frog. Unfortunately this area was holding pike and I lost Horny Toad buzz legs a couple of times and the Bully Wa frog went bye bye as well but I did boat some bass. I replaced the Bully Wa with a white Cabela's brand Chuck-It frog and when they named it the Chuck-It they weren't kidding, you can throw it a mile.
Around 8:40PM it was decision time again and I elected to head to the North end of the lake. As I was working my way out of the reeds I got a solid 24" pike on the Horny Toad. Off to the North End where I caught the biggest bass I've gotten out of Platte Lake. The area is the tip of a point where maidencane and reeds with some rice jut out into the lake. The better water tends to be when you get closer to shore after the maidencane ends. I missed the first couple of strikes and lost the buzz on a Horny Toad. I proceeded to miss several opportunities on the Toad and Chuck-It frog, but I did land about 4 bass including the nights best at 17."
(Here is the 17" with Chuck-It) It's amazing how after catching so many 11-14" fish that a 17" seems like a 19".
It was getting dark and the mosquito's started to come out so I called it a night around 9:30PM or so. My official count was 25 bass though I might have caught a few more than that and I think I also caught 4 pike.
Will Keith Williams do it?
FLW Tour Kentucky Lake:

FLW's on the water coverage is indicating that Land O Lakes Pro Keith Williams has the makings of a really big sack today. As that Keith is 1 of 3 FLW Tour Pro's I've fished with, I hope he does it!!!

He does it!!! Keith gets the win by 2lbs 6ozs on the back of a Kentucky Lake 9lb Monster. Today was a true example of "when it's your time, it will happen."
Congratulations Keith!!!

FLW's on the water coverage is indicating that Land O Lakes Pro Keith Williams has the makings of a really big sack today. As that Keith is 1 of 3 FLW Tour Pro's I've fished with, I hope he does it!!!

He does it!!! Keith gets the win by 2lbs 6ozs on the back of a Kentucky Lake 9lb Monster. Today was a true example of "when it's your time, it will happen."
Congratulations Keith!!!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Tonights Fishing Report

Originally I was going to take the boat out fishing, but when I got my tackle together around 5PM a big thunderstorm moved in over Platte/Sullivan. Not knowing how long storms and rain might stick around. I decided to go and hit up the Grumpy Old Man Hole. When I arrived the rain had stopped and there was a 10mph North wind and the current was ripping into Lake Sullivan. I fished the NE side (Platte) and started out throwing a gold/white/purple Outkast Swim Jig with a 5" gold glitter grub.
Right away I missed a pretty good sized jumpin bullhead that I saw take the bait but it just didn't hook up. I started throwing over the rice and pads and would get hits periodically. It seemed like I would miss them most of the time, but occasionally I would hook up and reel in a 11-14" bullhead. The wind pretty much quit and it started raining for 20 minutes then it was cloudy for about an hour before clearing. I caught a single toothy bullhead and went through a total of 3 of the gold grubs which are not a cheap grub. Eventually the sun came out and I started throwing a war torn white Spro Kermit. I ended up missing 3 good bites and the last one rendered the Mend It bandaged frog unuseable. I am going to retire that frog. I started to throw the Swim Jig again and lost a brand new grub tail without catching a single fish with it. Next I started to throw a River2Sea Bully Wa frog and missed a couple of bites with that. I gave the SE side a quick try but didn't get any hits. Around 8:20 or so I left for Jenny's.
At Jenny's I caught a single 12 inch bass and missed a few other bites on the Bully Wa frog.
Friday, June 12, 2009
South Long, Mille Lacs, & GOMH

(My boater Dwight with a 4lber)
I'm going to try not to say to much in this pre-fish report because we had what would seem to be a pretty successful pre-fish. Had today been tournament day, my boater Dwight probably would have won things going away and I had enough bites to keep me interested even though the fish I caught were not huge, but they weren't Cedar Lake like short fish or barely keepers either. I also pre-fished a lot of the time in such a way that I wasn't going to hook the highest percentage of fish that bit.
I arrived at the lake a little before 2PM and club member Herman who I fished with at Farm Island lake last year was just pulling his boat out. I don't think he caught a fish and he said he only had two bites. He seemed to be a little disgusted with the amount of slimy green moss in the lake. About 10 minutes after Herman left, Dwight showed up and we were on the water by 2:20PM. There was at least 1 other club guy out pre-fishing today.
We did fish some good looking water and didn't get bit like we would have liked, but we found plenty of good looking water that was holding fish. One surprise is that we didn't really seem to run into lots of little northern pike, which was nice. I was hoping to tangle with a few nice dogfish but none of them made an appearance.
The way things are shaping up I think I am going to really like fishing this lake. South Long has a lot of water that is tailor made for fishing Zoom Horny Toads, slop frogs, and lighter swim jigs and I am all about that. Hopefully the weather and fish will cooperate with our primary game plan.
Mille Lacs: I arrived at Eddy's after 7PM and got totally skunked, not even a bite even though conditions seemed to be good.
GOMH: I finished out the evening slopping the GOMH with a brown Snagproof Bobby's Perfect Frog. I caught 3 jumpin bullheads and had 4-5 more bites by fish that didn't want the frog that badly, probably smaller fish. The biggest bullhead I caught, a 2lber, annihilated the frog. I got all my fish on the NE side.
Mille Lacs,
South Long
FLW Kentucky Lake Day 2
FLW is indeed doing on the water coverage with a couple of their reporters. It may not be much, but it is something.
New Big Bass in My Derby.

Follow my Bloggers Bass Derby here...
Elite Series River Rumble Day 2
Basstrakk appears to be working so you can get unofficial weights today for the Top 11 in the Angler of the Year race. From today it looks like Randy Howell continues to catch quality sized fish and Skeet Reese looks to jump up in the standings.
Today on Bass Cast you can watch video of Matt Herren and Greg Vinson...
Today on Bass Cast you can watch video of Matt Herren and Greg Vinson...
Thursday, June 11, 2009
DNF & Stuff
I did not fish today or tonight due to a trip to Deerwood and Brainerd and the fact that I spent a chunk of time I might have used for fishing, getting my tackle ready to pre-fish South Long lake. My boater for this tournament is a 13 year club veteran and has fished the lake with the club 2 times, both in July (98,94). He doesn't like the lake, which is a refrain I have heard a couple of times before with my partners getting excellent results from the lakes they dissed. I have wanted to give this lake a try, but the previous club tournament results are not that encouraging in terms of limits brought in or big fish/big bags. However, as a general rule judging by Bass Snatcher tournament results the lakes in this area of Minnesota are better for bass fishing now than they were 10 to 20 years ago and it has been 11 years since they were last at Lower South Long.
The lake was surveyed by the DNR in 2007 and it showed an abundance of small pike (yippee). They did electrofishing for bass which came up with an abundance of fish but they were mostly under 11 inches, but in 2 years time those fish should be 12-14. This lake is really on my radar screen as a big dogfish lake as judged by the DNR survey results. Judging from the survey information the water clarity is about the same as Platte Lake, but South Long has much deeper water.
My partner has indicated that he wants to key in on fairly shallow vegetation/emerging slop. If we can get away with this, it would suit me just fine, bring on the big sticks! Also I would be able to get some good practice in on Platte/Sullivan this week.
Fantasy Bass Fishing: Things are not looking that good for me this week. In FLW I've got
Young 5th
Morehead 15th
Colson 29th
Jeane 44th
Moynagh 62nd
Ehrler 87th
Canterbury 88th
Dudley 108th
Fritts 132nd
Gagliardi 150th
I got rid of Bolton (2nd) for Jeane, Ouch!!!
Not doing any better with BASS
Herren 3rd
KVD 8th
Skeet 46th
Hackney 84th
Fralick 87th
But Day 1 means Jack Squat, especially at this tournament in the Elite Series where a couple of good fish can move a guy substantially.
On the Soap Box:
BassFan reports about FLW Pro Keith Williams
He said he ran all the way south and when he arrived, a non-competitor was on the hole he planned to fish. Williams said he politely told the non-competitor he ran a long way, and asked him to leave.
"Right in front of me he caught three or four, then left – I think that took a lot of nerve," Williams said.
I got to fish with Keith and his long time Bass Pro Dad and they seemed to be pretty good guys, but I think Keith needs an attitude adjustment. He is lucky the guy left after catching 1 good fish. Just because a top level tour Pro makes a long run to get to a spot does not entitle them to anything, especially on Day 1. Now maybe if the guy was a spectator on Day 1 and then jumped the hole the next day, Keith would have a point but there isn't any indication that the guy stole the hole. How does Keith know that the guy himself didn't travel a good distance to get to the lake, not that this really matters because if someone is on your spot, that is as they say "just fishing."
I don't have a problem with him politely asking to have the spot, he has a lot more invested in catching those fish than anybody else on the water except the other Tour Pro's. He should just be grateful instead of indignant.
The lake was surveyed by the DNR in 2007 and it showed an abundance of small pike (yippee). They did electrofishing for bass which came up with an abundance of fish but they were mostly under 11 inches, but in 2 years time those fish should be 12-14. This lake is really on my radar screen as a big dogfish lake as judged by the DNR survey results. Judging from the survey information the water clarity is about the same as Platte Lake, but South Long has much deeper water.
My partner has indicated that he wants to key in on fairly shallow vegetation/emerging slop. If we can get away with this, it would suit me just fine, bring on the big sticks! Also I would be able to get some good practice in on Platte/Sullivan this week.
Fantasy Bass Fishing: Things are not looking that good for me this week. In FLW I've got
Young 5th
Morehead 15th
Colson 29th
Jeane 44th
Moynagh 62nd
Ehrler 87th
Canterbury 88th
Dudley 108th
Fritts 132nd
Gagliardi 150th
I got rid of Bolton (2nd) for Jeane, Ouch!!!
Not doing any better with BASS
Herren 3rd
KVD 8th
Skeet 46th
Hackney 84th
Fralick 87th
But Day 1 means Jack Squat, especially at this tournament in the Elite Series where a couple of good fish can move a guy substantially.
On the Soap Box:
BassFan reports about FLW Pro Keith Williams
He said he ran all the way south and when he arrived, a non-competitor was on the hole he planned to fish. Williams said he politely told the non-competitor he ran a long way, and asked him to leave.
"Right in front of me he caught three or four, then left – I think that took a lot of nerve," Williams said.
I got to fish with Keith and his long time Bass Pro Dad and they seemed to be pretty good guys, but I think Keith needs an attitude adjustment. He is lucky the guy left after catching 1 good fish. Just because a top level tour Pro makes a long run to get to a spot does not entitle them to anything, especially on Day 1. Now maybe if the guy was a spectator on Day 1 and then jumped the hole the next day, Keith would have a point but there isn't any indication that the guy stole the hole. How does Keith know that the guy himself didn't travel a good distance to get to the lake, not that this really matters because if someone is on your spot, that is as they say "just fishing."
I don't have a problem with him politely asking to have the spot, he has a lot more invested in catching those fish than anybody else on the water except the other Tour Pro's. He should just be grateful instead of indignant.
FLW Kentucky Lake Day 1
BassFan is reporting that FLW intends to up their tournament coverage with "on-the-water updates and blogs."
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
A Little Mille Lac-tion
I forgot to bring the camera, so I just took a picture of the lures that caught fish when I got back
I arrived at Eddy's a little after 7PM and kind of went through what has become a routine. First I threw the char/white Strike King spinnerbait. I had a fish bump it and not get hooked up, then I caught a 12 inch smallie on it a few casts later. Next I put on a Rapala Subwalk and that got me a 16-17 inch fish that got off at my feet. The last fish of the night took the Berkley Frenzy jerkbait and was 14 inches.
I did try the Cemetery Jetty but didn't get any hits. I went back to Eddy's after 9PM and didn't get any hits.
I stayed to watch 5 Eddy's launches come back. They had 3,3,2,2, and 1 keeper walleyes on the Launches.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Around 8PM I headed to the GOMH for some bullhead action. When I arrived I had a fairly close encounter with a small deer to the west of the bridge. I walked towards it hoping it would spook and go into the woods, but it didn't. Eventually it did get off the shoulder and head for the trees.
Right away at the GOMH I noticed that they had been doing some work at the bridge. They added a bunch of rip rap along the concrete on all four sides of the bridge, basically making it much more treacherous to reach the waters edge. I don't like the change. Almost right away I got my only fish on a gold DM Custom Baits Piranha. As you can see in the pic, it's a toothy bullhead about 22". I thought I had a dogfish on by the way it fought, doing spins but it wasn't to be.
I worked a swim jig and flippen jig without luck and had 1 hit on the Rojas Spro Popping Frog but the fish only took it down by the legs.
Monday, June 08, 2009
I took the day off from fishing. My FLW Fantasy Fishing line up is done and I need to get rid of Mark Tucker and Tim Horton on the BASS/ESPN line up.
Sunday, June 07, 2009

Not even a bite. I did have a loon practically at my feet at one point. The visit from 2 Loons was the highlight of the trip.
I went to use the Team Daiwa X-103 on my 6'6" St. Croix Avid and something felt funny. The reel handle was bent from a TV that was in the back of the Explorer falling on it. I tried to bend it back and the handle broke. I did have an extra handle from a reel that is out of commission.
I need to get my act together and send my reels that need work off to Professional Reel Service.
Saturday, June 06, 2009

Today while I was sitting at DQ I noticed a banner for Thorne Bros Outpost which is in the Trophy's Liquor building inbetween Meleen's and DQ. They were open and when I went in I found out they just openned the store yesterday and the whole set up was put together rather quickly. It is basically a small muskie shop. I would imagine Reeds isn't very happy to have someone else selling muskie tackle on their doorstep, especially a shop with Thorne Bros. reputation among the muskie crowd.
I bought some grubs for swim jigs and chatter jigs.
Didn't Get Skunked!
A nasty cold front came through and afternoon temps up here didn't even reach 50 degrees. Add to that cloudy skies, a 10mph SE wind, and a little rain and it made for a yucky day. I elected not to try and take the boat out, so I hit the GOMH and the Eddy's Jetty on Mille Lacs. You can see my only fish in the picture. I had one other strike on the Spro Rojas Popping frog but it didn't suck the frog in.
Mille Lacs was a waste because the wind was just to much. Had I had a slip bobber set up and some leeches I might have been able to catch walleyes.
Elite Series Kentucky Lake Day Final Liveblogging the Leaderboard
With a 10lb lead going into today it is pretty much a foregone conclusion that Bobby Lane is going to win the tournament. However whether Bobby will beat 100lbs and who finishes ahead of who with KVD and Skeet are matters of some interest. I really have nothing else to do, so I am going to liveblog the results as they come in on the leaderboard.
So far
Roumbanis 13-5
Kriet 15-10
Swindle 19-4
KJ 20-15
Steve Kennedy 23-14 (He would have been on my fantasy squad had I changed my line up)
Rick Morris 22-11
Waiting on Britt Myers...
Looks like the live leaderboard is stuck cause it's taking longer than it should.
It's almost 5PM Central and I assume the weigh in is now over, but things are still stuck on Britt Myers. ESPN does a bang up job once again!
So far
Roumbanis 13-5
Kriet 15-10
Swindle 19-4
KJ 20-15
Steve Kennedy 23-14 (He would have been on my fantasy squad had I changed my line up)
Rick Morris 22-11
Waiting on Britt Myers...
Looks like the live leaderboard is stuck cause it's taking longer than it should.
It's almost 5PM Central and I assume the weigh in is now over, but things are still stuck on Britt Myers. ESPN does a bang up job once again!
Friday, June 05, 2009
Tonight's Action: Mille Lacs & GOMH
Today I went and picked up the Trophy's boat trailer from Prince's Marine where the bunks got fixed. I figured I would hit Mille Lacs on the way back home. I arrived at Eddy's after 5PM and the lot was almost completely filled with boat trailers. I wonder if there is a big walleye tournament going on this weekend? I was lucky to find a good place to park with my trailer and so I headed to the South Jetty. The wind was blowing in out of the NE at about 8 MPH so there was a pretty good chop coming in and casting distance would suffer. Still I managed a single 17.25 inch smallie on the Rapala Subwalk in the pictures.

I also snagged a little perch on a Frenzy jerkbait.

Conditions were not ideal and I noticed more boats launching and I didn't want to take somebody who paid to launches parking place, so I called it a day.
Around 7:30PM I headed out to the GOMH to try for some bullheads. I started on the NE side (Platte) and immediately tied into a couple of jumpin bullheads on a watermelon/chart Brovarney Swim Jig with watermelon Zoom Speed Craw trailer. I think I landed a 3rd jumper on my hot Mille Lacs smallmouth spinnerbait which is a 3/16oz white/chart Strike King spinnerbait with chart willow blades. I then switched to a pumpkin& pepper green Terminator Jig and brought in this 18 incher.
I got another smaller bullhead on the Terminator. Eventually I switched to the SE side and watched a nice golden bullhead get brought in by one of Grumpy Old Man Lee Anders grand kids. I got a few jumpin bullheads on the SE side, including a 12-13" on a Spro Rojas Popping Frog. I took the Popping Frog to the NE side and had a few swirls and caught a 14" bullhead and I think I also had a shot at a dogfish but didn't hook up. I got cold and left around 9PM. I landed 9 jumpin bullheads total.

I also snagged a little perch on a Frenzy jerkbait.
Conditions were not ideal and I noticed more boats launching and I didn't want to take somebody who paid to launches parking place, so I called it a day.
Around 7:30PM I headed out to the GOMH to try for some bullheads. I started on the NE side (Platte) and immediately tied into a couple of jumpin bullheads on a watermelon/chart Brovarney Swim Jig with watermelon Zoom Speed Craw trailer. I think I landed a 3rd jumper on my hot Mille Lacs smallmouth spinnerbait which is a 3/16oz white/chart Strike King spinnerbait with chart willow blades. I then switched to a pumpkin& pepper green Terminator Jig and brought in this 18 incher.
I got another smaller bullhead on the Terminator. Eventually I switched to the SE side and watched a nice golden bullhead get brought in by one of Grumpy Old Man Lee Anders grand kids. I got a few jumpin bullheads on the SE side, including a 12-13" on a Spro Rojas Popping Frog. I took the Popping Frog to the NE side and had a few swirls and caught a 14" bullhead and I think I also had a shot at a dogfish but didn't hook up. I got cold and left around 9PM. I landed 9 jumpin bullheads total.
Another Minnesocold BassNblogger
Jeff Douglas of Jeff's Smallmouth Bass Fishing Blog was up here in Minnesota and he took a guided trip on Minnetonka with a guy named Matt Peters who's website Jeff linked too. Lo and behold Matt Peters website has a blog and it looks like the blog has been around in some form since April 2004, which means his blogging pre-dates Bass Pundit by 8 months. In addition to being a guide, Matt is a tournament bass fishermen.
If this guy joins the derby, Hellabass' lead might not be safe.
I forgot to take a look at my Fantasy Team for this weeks Elite Series Kentucky Lake event. I would have replaced Mark Tucker, instead of having someone else I am stuck with a 96th place finish. OUCH!
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Some Smallie Mille Lac-tion
Today I had to pick up some meds in Onamia, so I made it a shore fishing trip to Mille Lacs. Conditions were Sunny with a light breeze blowing in out of the SE. I started on the South Eddy's Jetty and it didn't take long before I was tangling with an 18 inch smallie. On the very next cast I got a 17 incher. I moved just a little bit farther North and hooked into a 16" smallie. I got all 3 of these fish on a 3/16oz white/chart Strike King spinnerbait with chart blades. I tried a few different things and had some hits but no hook ups. I then got a 13.5" smallie on a Lucky Craft Pointer 100. Things got quite so I went and gave the North Jetty a try but I didn't even get bit there, so I went back to the South Jetty. I lost a fish on a brown Berkley Frenzy Jerkbait, then I picked up a 16 inch Smallie on it. I cycled through a few baits and had another 16 inch class smallie get off my clown X-Rap as I tried to bring it closer to shore. By this time it was after 7PM, so I headed off to the Cemetery Jetty.
I was fishing off the old boat launch and tied into a 14 inch largemouth on the Strike King spinnerbait I got the smallies with. I had another hit on the spinnerbait but it didn't hook up; I got a look at the fish and am pretty sure it was a little pike. Next I headed out to the end of the Jetty, picking up a few wood ticks along the way. The other night with Cyberfish we didn't pick up any. It was slow at the end of the Jetty but I did pick up a single 16 inch smallie on a white with chart nose Rapala Subwalk. I left around 8:30PM and went back to Eddy's, but I didn't get any hits. I called it quits around 9PM.
I was fishing off the old boat launch and tied into a 14 inch largemouth on the Strike King spinnerbait I got the smallies with. I had another hit on the spinnerbait but it didn't hook up; I got a look at the fish and am pretty sure it was a little pike. Next I headed out to the end of the Jetty, picking up a few wood ticks along the way. The other night with Cyberfish we didn't pick up any. It was slow at the end of the Jetty but I did pick up a single 16 inch smallie on a white with chart nose Rapala Subwalk. I left around 8:30PM and went back to Eddy's, but I didn't get any hits. I called it quits around 9PM.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Mille Lacs Tonight
Encouraged by my results last night I decided to hit Mille Lacs from shore again tonight. I arrived at the lake around 6:50PM. My 1st stop was the Eddy's Jetty where I managed to land this 17 inch smallie on the white Rapala Subwalk pictured from the middle of the South Jetty.

Before I caught the fish I had a swirl on a swim jig and not hit it in approximately the same area I got this fish. I worked the Jetty with various presentations but didn't get any more hits, so I headed to Cemetery Jetty.
While I was cycling through lures I had a hit on a bubblegum Zoom Super Fluke but didn't hook up. I cast back to the spot and this time the fish took it hard and I landed this 14 inch smallie.

A little while later I was casting the white Rapala Subwalk and hooked into a similar sized smallie. I got it up to the rocks but it got off before I landed it.
The sun had set and much to my surprise Mike "Cyberfish" Thompson of MT Bucket blog showed up. He is a Currier and had a run up by Red Lake today, so he tracked me down on his way back. I had 4 rods with me so I set him up with the Super Fluke.

We were fishing and chatting away when I told Mike I hadn't gotten any hits on topwater as I was throwing a gold Berkley Frenzy Popper. I speculated that maybe the water was to cold yet. Pretty much as I was saying that a toad slurped down the popper. I knew it was a good fish right away and I was concerned about it staying hooked up which it did.

Mike did a tape measure while I held the fish and he called it at 19". The pic sure makes it look bigger than 19". This was the last fish of the night.
Before I caught the fish I had a swirl on a swim jig and not hit it in approximately the same area I got this fish. I worked the Jetty with various presentations but didn't get any more hits, so I headed to Cemetery Jetty.
While I was cycling through lures I had a hit on a bubblegum Zoom Super Fluke but didn't hook up. I cast back to the spot and this time the fish took it hard and I landed this 14 inch smallie.
A little while later I was casting the white Rapala Subwalk and hooked into a similar sized smallie. I got it up to the rocks but it got off before I landed it.
The sun had set and much to my surprise Mike "Cyberfish" Thompson of MT Bucket blog showed up. He is a Currier and had a run up by Red Lake today, so he tracked me down on his way back. I had 4 rods with me so I set him up with the Super Fluke.
We were fishing and chatting away when I told Mike I hadn't gotten any hits on topwater as I was throwing a gold Berkley Frenzy Popper. I speculated that maybe the water was to cold yet. Pretty much as I was saying that a toad slurped down the popper. I knew it was a good fish right away and I was concerned about it staying hooked up which it did.
Mike did a tape measure while I held the fish and he called it at 19". The pic sure makes it look bigger than 19". This was the last fish of the night.
BP Tournament Report Cedar Lake (Aitken)
Originally this tournament day was slated for Gull Lake, but due to the Minnesota Teen Challenge Tournament, they switched to Cedar Lake West of Aiken. I wasn't at the meeting when they made the switch and when everything was out on the table I was not happy about the switch. All that was left was to make the best of it and I didn't.
Going in our plan was to fish cabbage weedlines/weed beds and hit lots of docks. The forecast called for it to be sunny and mild but with 20-30mph winds out of the NW. A front came through the night before tournament day, so it was high pressure, post-frontal conditions. The tournament was from 7AM to 3PM For the 1st hour of the morning the winds were manageable and we were able to effectively fish a weedline/weedbed that was in the wind. I started out throwing a salt and pepper Zoom Trick Worm and got the first fish of the day for our boat, unfortunately it was a rock bass. Actually my partner Adam had the first bite of the day, it was a pike or muskie that bit him off on the strike. I got the second fish of the day and it was a small Northern Pike. I got the 3rd fish of the day and it was an 11.75" in largemouth bass. The minimum size is 12" so back in the lake it went. My partner Adam then got on the board with a solid keeper. On this weedline I would land 3 more largies that were just a little bit short of 12". We basically worked through the area one and a half times and stopped getting bit so we went to some wind protected docks. I believe Adam landed 1 good keeper off the docks. Next we went to some docks that were in the wind, but the wind wasn't terrible yet, and didn't get anything. Next we fished a cabbage weed point and Adam got a couple more keepers and I landed a couple more that were just under 12", I also had a bite that stripped the Zoom Speed Craw off my Brovarney Swim Jig. The wind really started whipping when we fished this spot.
Next we went to a point/cabbage weedline/weedbed that was in the wind. The spot looked great but to fish it effectively in the strong wind it called for horizontal presentations and the fish if they were there were having none of it. I don't think we even got a bite on this excellent looking area. Next we hit some more docks that were pretty much wind protected and I picked up 2 keepers on a bubblegum Zoom Super Fluke. I felt really fortunate to get the fish because by now I had learned that Adam is excellent at skipping jigs at docks with a baitcaster, very accurate and efficient.
We went to fish some more semi-wind protected docks and Adam picked up fish so he started culling. I got on the trolling motor while Adam was culling. I was coming around the end of a boat lift when I made an errant cast and got hung up. Not wanting to disturb the spot I broke off. Before I knew Adam was back fishing again he had a nice bass in the boat that just nailed his jig when he fished it in the spot that my Fluke should have been. Basically blowing this great opportunity to add a 3rd solid keeper would really cost me because for the next couple of hours things got really slow for me. Meanwhile Adam was catching an occasional keeper and also got a 30+ inch Muskie on a dock. At one point I believe Adam was culling so I was on the trolling motor and I got a bite on the Fluke and pulled in a 12 inch rock bass.
We were running wind blown docks in some serious waves when Adam added a nice bass in between docks. While he was culling I got a fish on brown Strike King Pure Poison Chatterjig and thought for sure I had a keeper bass, but it was a pike. A couple of minutes later Adam tied into a 40 inch class Muskie which we did land and Adam took pictures of me holding, which he hopefully will email me.

We were on a stretch of semi wave protected docks when Adam got a couple more keeper fish not under the docks but near them, meanwhile I landed a fish that was just short of 12" at around 11 7/8ths. Adam told me to clip it and hoped that it might grow a little in the livewell as he had seen that happen to fish before.
Basically we re-ran a bunch of water we had already fished for most of the rest of the day. I missed one good opportunity with the Fluke and I think Adam maybe picked up one more key fish and got 2 or 3 keepers that didn't help. While we were re-running a bunch of docks in the wind and waves I got my 3rd keeper and best fish on the Pure Poison chatterjig on the last dock in the line.
In the last hour we fished a new wind protected inside weedline with cabbage. I landed yet another 11.75 fish. A little later on my Fluke disappeared and when I set the hook, I thought the line had broke but actually the Fluke just got stripped off the hook. Adam got a keeper that didn't help him under a dock that had just been fished by another tournament boat.
In the last 20 minutes we fished a the wave protected spot that we had some bites off earlier. Once again Adam got a bass that didn't help. Our last stop was on a wave protected shoreline that I don't remember hitting. I got a solid hook up on the Pure Poison but it turned out to be a 25 inch pike and that was basically it.
For the day I got 3 keepers for 4lbs 2ozs which put me in 23rd out of 26 anglers. I landed 8 bass that were over 11" but short of 12" and a couple that were under 10", 3 pike, and 2 rock bass, so it wasn't like I wasn't catching any fish. My partner Adam got 2nd Place with 13lbs 10ozs.
Other than the fact that the fishing wasn't so great for me, I had a good time on the water with Adam who is a really good guy and excellent fisherman. My choice to not to take the front of the boat other than when my partner is culling probably more than anything cost me a shot at a limit, but it also had to be a factor in Adam getting 2nd place. He has come very close to being club Mr. Bass/Angler of the Year for the past couple of years. I hope he can show the old timers how it's done this season.
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