Try as I did it just wasn't my year at least I don't think it was. The numerous trips to WI and cool, rainy May and early June kept me and the Big Dogs away from one another. I think I might have lost 1 really nice one in May on Platte. I saw lots of small ones this year. A couple of times in the past week I've tried to catch a doggy that was being swarmed by it's fry ball, didn't get either and neither were that big. The only one I've caught this year was this past Sunday on Mille Lacs, it went 25.5 inches. Here it is...

As you can kind of see, it had a vibrant lime underbelly and a very prounced false eye at the tail. I got it from under a dock on a jig after it had had chased several other offerings and then went right back under the dock. I don't think it will be good enough to take the 2006 Grand Championship.
I'll probably hit Rock tommorrow and give it one more last minute shot.
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