Saturday, June 03, 2017

Platte/Sullivan Quick Report

The fishing was good in our boat today.  I caught about 15 and a half
and my boater caught 17 something and got Lunker for the day.  I made the Top 10. Full recap when I get the results later this week.   I didn't think to take a selfie with my lunker.

Here are the Final Standings
Chuck Steinbauer was my boater.  Mark Munson was supposed to be my boater, but he ran into motor problems when we were out pre-fishing.  I'd like to think that the day out pre-fishing with me gave him some confidence on the lake as his results in the past on Platte/Sullivan had been mediocre.  The guys really caught 'em.  Can't say I'm surprised by that.  Nobody got a Platte/Sullivan giant, though.

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