Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Mille Lacs w/Pete Tues/Wed
Right away Pete got an eater eye. A little while later Pete hooked up again, but as I was reeling in my line it somehow got caught up in Pete's. Pete managed to hand line it in. The fish was right at 18 inches so it had to go back. On the next trolling pass Pete and I both missed bites and then went a very long time without anything. Finally as we were back up on Sherman's point I got a 16" or so smallie. We trolled around to the North side of Sherman's where Pete hooked into a 24" eye. There was some weather coming in from the NW so we decided to troll our way back South. While still on the North side of Sherman's I popped a 15" smallmouth. Once we got to the South side of Sherman's Pete tied into a big fish. The wind was blowing pretty good and the boat turned funny and once again my line got caught in Pete's. I got the two lines separated quickly by cutting my line, but Pete was already trying to bring it in by hand and the fish got off. Pete was pretty frustrated and I felt bad.
The wind kicked up even more and it started to sprinkle, so Pete fired up the gas motor and we headed in sometime after 3am.
Sandy scare: Pete has a 12 year old dog named Sandy and that dog is everything to Pete. When I got home I was greeted by Patti and Lilah, but Sandy was nowhere to be found. I went downstairs and that is where she was. I called her to come upstairs and she had a hard time getting up them. She was limping and unsteady on her feet, something obviously was not right and I was quite worried. Pete checked her out and got busy on the phone trying to contact a vet that would see her right away. It did not help matters that Pete was pretty sleep deprived by this point. After talking to a couple of different vets and contemplating several options he decided to hit the sack at 7am and get up in a couple of hours and take her to the vet then. I was worn out and went to bed too.
I am not sure what time Pete got up and on his way, but I believe he took Sandy to our Vet in Little Falls. Sandy tested positive for some tick born illness that matched her symptoms and that is treatable with antibiotics. It may very well be that Sandy had the same problem that my dog Soren experienced a few years ago that gave me quite a scare. Hopefully Sandy will be fine.
Minnesocold Blogged Tournament Round UP
Josh Douglas at Koronis and Green Lake(Spicer)...
Sport at Koronis and Green (Spicer)...
John Hayes at Green Lake (Spicer)...
Art Simms Green Lake (Chisago) Fishers of Men...
BassAckwards at Green Lake (Chisago) Fishers of Men...
Jason Holmer updates with 3 tournaments...
Billy Harris has a blog about his Co-Angler experience at the BASS Elite Kentucky Lake...
Monday, June 23, 2008
Bass Snatchers Big Birch (Grey Eagle) Tournament
We started in the West lake around an Island where Barry had found a bunch of bedding smallmouth a few days ago. I started with topwater and right away had a fish show behind the bait but it never committed. This happened twice in the first 5 minutes. The smallies had vacated the beds in this area and so we moved a little farther North on the Island. Barry caught a nice fish on a crank, but that was all we got. Next, we headed to the Upper East lake to Barry's "Honey Hole." It was a weed patch where Barry found a school of good fish pre-fishing. Barry managed to get two smaller fish on a tube.
Next, we worked a thickly weeded bullrush island. I went to use my telescoping 7'3" St. Criox Avid Flippen stick, but I had a hard time getting the rod to pull out. As I eventually got it to move a couple of maggots came up with the blank. Apparently, a fly got in there and laid some eggs making the two parts of the rod blank stick together. I did get the rod extended but didn't catch a thing.
We moved across the lake to a point with some reeds on the inside turn and I got a 13.25" and a pumpkin Monsoor swim jig with pumpkin Zoom Speed Craw trailer. From there we moved back to the West lake Island where we started and where Barry got his first fish. I got a 13.25" largemouth on a white X-Rap and jumped off a fish that was a bit bigger and also had a follow from a good fish (smallmouth???). We switched to the Island Barry's Son-in-law Joe was fishing and fished around it. We kind of wandered into the other boats hot area where Barry and I both caught a fish. The fish for me was yet another 13.25" on the white X-Rap.
Next, we fished the Eastern edge of the Island we started on. This spot featured bullrushes and reeds along a steep drop. Barry had seen lots of fish cruising this run while prefishing. I fished the area with the swim jig and started off by catching a dink and having a few small fish pull on the speed craw. As we were going along Barry got a couple of dinks and a couple of Rock Bass. I saw a largemouth that was at least two pounds pull the speed craw right off the jig, bummer.
Next, I think we went back to the East lake and didn't get a thing but one for me that was 11.75." We went back to the West Lake and fished around Joe's Island maybe catching a rock bass or two. We then headed to a weedline spot where Barry jerked up 2 keepers and then I got a 12.25" on a white Strike King Zero (Senko) fished on a mushroom head jig. We drifted the spot again with Barry getting another keeper and me landing one that was 14.25" on the Zero. We did another couple of passes but only got Rock Bass. From there we went to fish another similar weedline but another boat was on it. The days big bass, 4lbs 1oz, was caught by that boat on that spot.
Once again we headed to Joe's Island and tried to fish deep. I caught a rock bass. From there we went to the East side of our starting Island where the bullrushes and reeds were. We just about had fished the whole stretch when I got my limit fish, a 14.50" largie on the swim jig by reeds and rocks.
It was getting to be late in the day and we headed back to the East lake to try the "Honey Hole" one last time. We bounced around a couple of new spots then hit the reed patch by the Rock Tavern where we were going to have the weigh in. The reeds were a perfect match for a Horny Toad, so I started throwing it. I had a little fish hit it and managed to resist the urge to set the hook. I was working the toad through the reeds when I had a solid blow up from another 13.25" that culled out my 12 incher. I got one more good blow up on the Toad but failed to hook up and that was the end of our day. I was pleased to have gotten a limit, even if it was small.
I ended up with 7lbs 8ozs with a big fish of 1lb 9ozs which stuck me in 23rd out of 24 anglers. The only guy I beat was my Farm Island partner Herman who only brought in 3 fish. My partner Barry came in 20th, which shows me that our areas were holding below average fish this day.
The winner had a 15lb 6oz bag of smallmouth that he pretty much sight fished near shallow rocks. Our boat didn't land a single smallie all day, but Barry might have jumped one off near the end of the day. A couple of people reported catching dozens and dozens of 12-14 inch largemouth so the fish were schooled up in some places. Unfortunately, the schools that were on Barry's spots moved. Overall I had a fun day and the heat didn't get to be too bad.
After the tournament, we went to the Rock Tavern where I got to know Joe who grew up in Little Falls and sounds like he is a die-hard Mississippi smallmouth angler. He showed me a couple of his smallmouth tricks.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Tournament Preview
Tommorrow is my Bass Snatcher Club tournament on Big Birch. My partner Barry got out and pre-fished it a couple of more times this week and said he did well including finding some nice smallies. I am not really sure what this means for my game plan, but frog fishing may be out the window; I am bringing those rods anyway. I chose to rig up 7 rods instead of 8. I just don't see myself throwing a spinnerbait because of the swim jig so a rod for that isn't coming. I have 1 more spinning rod and 1 more heavy rod than I did for Farm Island.
The weather is supposed to be 10-15 degrees warmer than at Farm Island which I don't care for. I am not sure if it is supposed to be sunny or cloudy. Hopefully I can catch a early limit, so it is easier for me to take it easy in the afternoon. We blast off at 8am and I think we go until 4pm, so we will catch a good share of the afternoon heat.
Once again I will be happy if I catch a limit and finish in the top 50% of the field. Also it would be nice to beat out the other club rookie and catch a fish that culls out something for me in the BP Minnesocold Bass Derby because I am nipping on Cyberfish's heals.
Lakeview Church Eddy's Launch 6/17/08

I had a bite right away when I was rigging up Dad's rod. Unluckly there was no slack in the line so when I picked up the rod it pulled the hook right away from the fish. We really didn't have anymore action until after 8PM. One of the lady's went to use the restroom and she got a bite when she was in the facilities. Another person ended up reeling in her fish, but she got to keep it. The youngest fisherperson, Katie Hayes, caught the 2nd fish. Dad caught 2 walleye's that were to small and Don Weinmeister caught 3 eye's. The boat got around 4 keepers, 6 that were to small, and 3 that were to big. I ended up with the skunk.
Even though we took this launch in the middle of June, we were fishing the exact same spot we fished the 1st launch Dad and I went on last year on May 16th.
Friday, June 20, 2008
FLW Fantasy Bass Fishing Near Miss
I think Fort Loudoun-Tellico is going to see the highest scores yet for FLW FBF because from what I have seen of the top 10, a number of favorites made the cut.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Pre-fish Big Birch
One thing I like about the lake is that we will probably be fishing some area's that call for slop frogs. If the fish are in that stuff come tournament day than I think I could do pretty well and have a lot of fun. I am a little unsure just how much the swim jig will come into play but I do plan to throw it. I actually played around quite a bit with a texas rig today but I will not have a rod for this on tournament day.
Barry has a big Ranger walleye boat, so I really don't have to worry about pairing down my equipment to much. Today I only had four rods, but I will probably double that come tournament day because the passenger rod storage area can accomodate it.
We did not run into any pike, dogfish, or carp which is maybe a bit of a surprize cause with the water we covered I would have expected to come across them all.
Based on today, I think getting a limit could come really easy or be really hard depending upon the mood of the fish. Barry assures me there are a lot of bass in the lake, but today did not really reflect that so much. If today had been tournament day, I doubt I would have gotten a limit. Hopefully I learned a few things and can make the proper adjustments.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
This week...
Kevin Van Dam...
There is a reason why he is my fantasy team captain.
For right now the computer issues are keeping me from updating the Derby Standings on the sidebar and adding those BassNblogs to the blogroll. PITBudinski!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Haulin' Bass: "THE" Bass Fishing Blog This blog from ? has been around since Dec 2007.
Fishing the Trail(TN) This blog by David Gnewikow (Geneva-Ko) is pretty much a tournament fisherman blog and it is a very good read. He has a main website called He has been blogging since Jan. 2007. I wonder if he and TN BassNblogger Billy Harris square off often? I bet they do as DG fishes the Weekend Series.
Speaking of Billy Harris, I believe he is fishing as an AM at the BASS Elite Series at Kentucky Lake, so hopefully will get a blog about it. It would seem the main aim of this blog is in it's name but there are also fishing blogs that aren't a specific product review.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Another Minnesocold BassNblog
(for links go to BassNblog MN Blogroll in the right column, sorry but due to computer problems in post linking is hard for me to do)
Check out MN BassNbloggers: Hellabass, Josh Douglas, and Bass Fishing the Midwest for their Le Homme Dieu blogs.
MN BassNblogger Bob fished the Silverado on Green as an AM...
BassAckwards blogged his weekend too...
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Farm Island Tournament

Saturday, June 7, 2008
I met my partner Herman a little before 5:30PM in Pine Center. Pine Center is only about 10 miles straight North of the house and it was cool that Herman met me somewhere familiar. We loaded my gear into his 20.5" Ranger Dual Console and were off. I soon learned that Herman was about the nicest guy you would ever want to meet. This is his 27th year as a Bass Snatcher so he told me lots of things about the club. He used to be heavily involved in the Minnesota Federation before it was the Federation Nation and had lot of stories to tell from his involvement. He fishes the club for fun and fun is what we had.
I think we were boat #4 on take off and we were the first ones to head South on Farm Island Lake. We ended up starting on the SE shore of Farm Island. It was a sandy area with some weed growth towards shore. It was calm so I went with the Zoom Super Fluke. As we were working the shoreline Herman had a good fish take his spinnerbait but throw it half way to the boat. Just after that, I had a swirl on the Fluke but my hookset came up empty. This was my first time throwing the Fluke this year and I didn't use it much last summer when I hardly fished at all, so I was a bit rusty. Not long after this, the Fluke disappeared and I set into an 11inch fish. We have a 12inch minimum. I caught another 11" off the end of a dock. We worked the whole East shore of Farm Island but didn't have a keeper to show for it.
From Farm Island, we headed West a little way and went to a protected shoreline. I think Herman said there were normally reeds in this area but just like Sullivan Lake, the reeds in Farm Island are almost non-existent this year. The area was sandy bottom with some weeds. Something came to the surface and left some bubbles. Herman had me cast over there with the Fluke. I worked it slow and sure enough, my big bass of the day picked it up and I got her in. A little way down the line Herman got on the board. We eventually worked ourselves out of the weeds so we headed farther West. We were going to fish some emergent weeds at the mouth of a slop bay East to West. As we pulled in another Bass Snatcher boat pulled up to the West thus cutting us off from fishing the shoreline unless we wanted to fish used water. We worked the emergent vegetation which looked perfect for the Horny Toad. Herman got his 2nd keeper here but that was all we got on two passes.
We went somewhere to the North and I lost a Fluke to a Pike.
From there we went back to our starting spot and I started catching some dink bass on the Fluke. There was a 13"-14"keeper up on a bed but I could not get it to go. We then pulled out a little deeper and I got my 2nd keeper on a Blue/Black Monsoor Swim Jig with Junebug Zoom Ultravibe Speed Craw trailer. I got the fish jigging the lure, not swimming it. We fished a cabbage bed without any luck. Before we were off to the North end of the lake Herman made me a sandwich.
We headed to the access bay and fished some emergent vegetation where I got my 3rd keeper. We moved off the emergent veg. and onto a flat with docks. I think I got 2 more keepers on this stretch and Herman got his final keeper of the day.
I am not sure where on the lake we went next but it was a good looking area where there were the remnants of a pencil reed bed. We had zero luck in the old reeds, but we really were fishing it wrong with horizontal presentations instead of pitching a jigNpig. We worked out way onto a weed flat and I broke a fish off at the knot so it may not have been a pike.
Next, we headed to the best looking water of the day. It is a bay where emergent vegetation lines water with some depth leading to a weed flat with rice and pads. We worked the sweet looking emergent vegetation but only drew fish in one spot. I got my limit fish on the Fluke and Herman caught two shorts. Eventually, we got to the flat which had the wind blowing in on it and I switched to the Blue swim jig. I got 2 fish to cull and missed one really good fish. We worked our way off the flat to where there was an old ugly orange runabout that had been half sunk in the previous day's heavy winds. The motor was fully submerged and the left front of the boat was up on the dock damaging both. The scene was quite a mess.
Time was running short so we ran into the access bay and worked more of the emergent vegetation off which I had got 1 keeper earlier. We got a few dinks on the stretch and I think Herman might have missed a keeper on a jigNpig. At the end of the emergent vegetation, there was a pretty good size chunk of wood in the water and I told Herman to try that. He didn't get anything but I noticed a smaller piece of wood quite a bit further in towards shore so I cast my swim jig at it. Sure enough, I got my last bass of the day, a fat 12.25" that didn't help me. We worked out way back a little on the emergent vegetation than called it a day.
I caught my 6 Fish limit for 9lbs 8ozs which put me in 16th out of 28 anglers. My big fish was 2lbs 7oz. The winner was our club President with 14lbs15oz and the big bass was only 3lbs 8ozs. Herman finished 27th. 20 limits were caught.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I hit the water a little after 6PM. It looked like it was going to rain, but it didn't. There was a pretty stiff breeze out of the West when I first put in, but by the time I was done on the docks it had lightened considerably and the sun came out. Towards dark it got calm.
The plan was to catch some quality bass off the Big West Bay South shore docks primarily with a jigNpig with a possible Fluke thrown in here and there. I put in at the Platte Lake access and put the trolling motor down right away headed west. I missed a bass on the very first dock. I didn't have my reel dialed in and my pitching form was quite rusty from a lack of practice and I was undoing a backlash when the fish picked up the jig. I didn't get a good hookset, but I did see the fish as I pulled up and it was a solid 15" or so. I continued to move West without a whole lot going on except having the claws bit off the jigs craw probably by a pike. I eventually got down to my milk run and missed a pike on a bubblegum Super Fluke. On the very last dock I got 2 dink bass on a Blue/Black Monsoor Swim Jig with purple/wht grub. I worked into the weed flat with the swim jig and then drifted back with the wind throwing the purple Berkley Frenzy Popper in the sparce reeds and rice. I had what were probably a couple of small pike show at the Popper but they did not hook up. After a while of working the flat with nothing to show I decided to hit the North side of the Big West Bay where there is rice and pads.
I started by throwing a white Horny Toad, but had one of the legs get bit off. I got nothing in the emerging rice and pads and eventually drifted over to some fine looking green bullrushes. At the back end of the bullrushes I had a solid take on the swim jig by what felt like a good fish but it got off. I worked the North shore a little bit more without any action. The sun was getting low now and I headed to the docks on the point of the Big West Bay South shore. I didn't get anything from the docks but pulled a 16" from between the first and 2nd dock. There are now 3 docks off the tip of this point. I continued to work my way around the point into Channel in bay. I was throwing the wht. Horny Toad when I had a solid blow up that cut off the last leg. I fished the Toad with stumps and got a 15.5" at the NW cut.
I threw the purple Frenzy Popper at the cut and had something wake behind it. I slowly worked the popper and sure enough it bit and it was what I thought, a dogfish. I let him fight it out then I netted it. It went 24" and I released it back to get bigger. Soon after that I caught a 15.5" bass on a pumpkinseed Horny Toad. I was having trouble with the bait keeper on the Horny Toads so I switched to a Black/Chart Nose River2Sea BullWa Frog. I got a 13" bass on that and had a couple of other hits from small fish or pike. It was getting dark and the mosquito's where awful so I called it a night without heading to the PRO.
6 Bass, 1 Dogfish, 0 Pike
Monday, June 09, 2008
I still had a little fishing in me after the tournament so after resting for a couple of hours I headed to Rock Lake to fish the RPRO. I got skunked, didn't even have a bite. I ended up packing it in early but it was a little to late for me to put in at another lake. Next time I fish Rock, I will need to bring cranks, texas rigs, jig worms, drop shots and jigs and have the Vexilar on the bow.
Mille Lacs Report 6/9/08 Today Sunday was a nice day with light wind so I decided to head out to Mille Lacs. By the time I got there at 5pm it was overcast and getting ready to rain which was fine with me because there was a lot of Cottonwood cotten on the water. I fished out of Isle Bay and started out by hitting some docks that can be good at spawning time. I was in a pretty good groove casting to the docks but I wasn't getting any action. After hitting more than 10 docks I finally had a nice fish follow my bubblegum Super Fluke but it didn't hit it. It had stopped raining by now. I then tried a watermelon tube and came up empty. I switched to a white Strike King Zero (Senko) and the smallie took it, but I came up empty on the hookset except for getting caught up on the boat lift. Had I hooked the fish it could have wrapped me up pretty good in that boat lift.
The space between docks was getting wider so I decided to throw out a white with Chart. nose Rapala Subwalk between docks. Almost immediately I was rewarded with a solid 18.25" Sally Smallmouth. Not long after that I had another hit on the Subwalk but it got off pretty much right away. On the next dock I connected with a 16.25" on the Zero. Not long after that between docks I nailed another 16.25" on the Subwalk. I ran some more docks and worked in between with the subwalk and saw 2 fish that would not commit. The action slowed so I decided to head North to hit a reef that has been good to me in the past. I got out there and the buoys were not configured like they normally have been in the past. I swear the area covered by the 4 buoys was quadrupled. I drifted with the light wind and manuevered with the trolling motor while throwing topwater and made a pass on the reef without a sign of a fish. I then made a 2nd pass with a white X-Rap and was rewarded with a 17" Sally, but I could not get anything else to go. It was about 8:30 so I decided to hit Malone Island Reef on my way back in. The sun actually came out for a bit and it sprinkled again too. I started out working topwater, then switched to the subwalk, then went back to a purple Frenzy Popper which produced a 17.25" smallie. It was getting dark and I wanted to avoid the 10pm night ban rush so I made 1 last cast and something (I think a small pike or muskie) came out of the water missing the popper. That was it and I called it a night.
Friday, June 06, 2008
1st Tournament Tommorrow
My partner clued me in that we would be fishin shallow and looking for a reaction bite, which serves my topwater and swim jig mania's just swell. If we have to go deep I could be in trouble as that I didn't pack for that.
Computer Quirks continue
One of the frustrations is the way the computer is acting. I thought I might have gotten to the bottom of it thanks to McAfee (yeah right) but when I tried to remove the questionable PUP the computer would not let me do it. I tried to out and out delete it, but the stupid thing "recycled" itself. Now this PUP may not be the offender at all but I thought I was on to something. I will run another Virus Scan and hope the recycled version pops a trigger. But that will have to wait for later.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Sport and John Haynes of Bassfishing the Midwest were out catching Larry and Sally on an unnamed lake (I think I know where they were and it is somewhat close to me)...
Bassfishingdem gives a great product review of the Strike King Rage Tail Toad...
Monday, June 02, 2008
Easy Go Again
Fishing Report: I fished the North Flat of the PRO first getting a 18.25" Larry on a Horny Toad with the buzzing legs bitten off. I also caught a 28.5" Pike on the North Flat, this fish put up quite a battle. I did catch a few more bass and pike on the Pro North Flat mostly on a black/blue Monsoor Swim Jig with either a purple/clear or purple/wht grub. I also got a couple on brown Horny Toads, but the little pike were really into stealing the legs and small bass were hitting it too, screwing things up. I tried to fish the purple Frenzy Popper on the North Flat but it just wasn't happening.
When I got to the PRO river mouth I did catch a 15" on the Frenzy Popper but that was it for that. To get the fish to go at the river mouth I used the white, clown, and wht/chart Subwalk. I probably got about 10-12 bass and a couple of pike as I fished from the mouth down the river to the damn. After losing the white Subwalk I got a couple of pike on the "lost jig" in the river.
From the river I went to work the W/S flat of the PRO where the breeze was blowing onto. I started with a bang landing a 18" Larry on the black/blue Monsoor jig, but that was it for the bass. I did catch about 3-4 pike on the W/S flat. I got done with my pass and was amazed to see it was 1:30pm, so I called it a day.
I caught 24 bass and 11 pike total.
Computer Quirks
I don't think I did much blogging back when I was having the problems. I don't know what effect this will have on my blogging and I certainly hope it is not something I can pass on to others or get embedded into the blog. Wish me luck.