Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Bassmaster Fantasy Fishing Is Now LIve For '25

 Fantasy Fishing is now open for business at bassmasterfantasy.com. The prizes are in line with what has been offered in the past, not bad for a game that is totally free to play. You don't have to know much about the anglers or lakes to win. There are a total of 10 different tournaments from February to August. 

There are two different games. The traditional fantasy game is where Anglers are grouped into 5 different buckets where you select one angler per bucket. The buckets reset every tournament based on AOY standing, so you have to pick a new team for every tournament. Then, there is the Drain The Lake game, which is an elimintor game. You get to pick an angler to do well in one tournament, and then they are eliminated from your choices for the rest of the year.

I recommend joining groups where you can win prizes. The end-of-the-year prizes from the Tackle Warehouse group are pretty substantial. I've never done well in end-of-the-year standings but have won a few prizes over the years.

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