Sunday, August 18, 2024

Snatchers Tourny At Pelican Lake


Smitty's Bigs

Smitty's Fin

DJ's Bigs
DJ, Arnie, Smitty

Conditions: 62-82℉, Mostly Sunny, 0-2mph Wind

The Day:
We headed NW to a bay up there with a bunch of slop. Smitty had a bass in the boat in about 5 casts out of the pads. I had something follow my frog but not hit it. Smitty got another bass. I think I had something hit my jig back where the fish followed my frog too. We then came across some docks and Smitty would get a bite or two of off each one it would seem like. His 3rd or 4th fish in the boat was a 4lber. I got the skunk out of the boat with my biggest bass of the day (2.53) on a Livetartget Frog next to some cattails. We fished more slop and docks, with Smitty getting fish off of both. We ended up returning to where we started and I missed a bit in the pads and think Smitty culled with a 2lber. He had 3 quality fish off of the docks I think. Next. we headed NE to another slop bay where there was a lot of activity. I got a 24-inch dogfish on a Mag Fluke. Smitty had a big bass miss his frog. I think He caught one as well. I'm not sure if he culled. I got my second bass on Bobby's Perfect Frog. We fished farther East into another slop bay then fished our way back to the area where there was activity. I got my smallest keeper (1.36) that I was never able to cull on the LiveTarget frog. Smitty got a big dogfish. Next, we fished Smitty's favorite docks and they were productive for him. Smitty had mercy on me and offered me the craw tube he was getting them. I think he added two culls while I was getting my rod rigged with the proper weight while I was getting heckled by a guy on shore for not having my act together while my partner caught fish left and right.. Unfortunately, the best dock was occupied. I got a 1.82lb bass on the craw tube out of some reeds. Smitty got a few that didn't help. We ran South to one of Smitty's favorite holes, but there were not really fish around except on the last dock, where Smitty bird dogged me one (1.69) that I got on the craw tube. We then went North again to more reeds and Smitty pulled a 5lber out of the Cane. I missed a bite in the Cane because I set the hook too quick. Smitty wasn't going to fish until I got my limit. I got a short out of some reeds/pads. Finally, I got a keeper in the boat off of a dock (2.11). We went back to the dogfish bay. I had three bites on my frog, but didn't land any of them; Two never got the frog and I rolled the one that did get it on the pads on the hookset.  I ran out of energy shortly after my last bite on the frog. As we headed out Smitty had motor issues, so we went to the bay where we had the weigh-in and fished the final hour there, not getting any bites.

My results, meh! But at least I got a limit. Congrats to Smitty for putting himself in the Snatcher record books with that outstanding bag of fish. Also congrats to Arnie and DJ. Dj was top Co-Angler. 

My Thoughts:  With that 2.50lber in the boat on a frog about 20 minutes in I thought it might be my day. But then Smitty put on a clinic above average size fish in the boat with a craw tube on docks. I tried switching to a popper after some activity in open water. Then we got to more docks and Smitty got more above average size fish and my jig wasn't getting bit. We got to an area with pads and I couldn't get bit on a frog or Jig, but Smitty continued to catch fish. It just seemed like all my choices were wrong in the first spot. I got two keepers in the boat at the second spot, but I don't think it held the numbers and size of bass to produce a great frog bite. When we got back to docks. It became clear the crawtube was the deal. So when Smitty offered what he was using I rigged up my dock fishing rod with a light Texas Rig. I was way too anxious fishing that crawtube. I needed to let it sit and give the fish a chance to eat it instead of immediately pulling the trigger. It was unfortunate our run South wasn't really holding a good school of fish or had already been hit by somebody else. Not getting any of those final frog fish in the boat sucked, but that is frog fishing. Catching one of them would have probably moved me up at least a couple of places.

Watching Smitty wreck 'em is the highlight of my year so far.

Grade: C+

Friday, August 16, 2024

Snatcher Pelican Lake Plan and Rods I'm Bringing

The Plan: This is only the third time I've drawn "Smitty" as my boater. The first two times I struggled to catch them, so I think I'm due. The plan is to fish thick shallow cover, which is what I love to do. If the frog bite is on, it will be AWWWWWWWWN!

Tournament Goals:
1. Get a limit.
2. Finish in the Top 3
3. Be the top Co-angler
4. Catch the day's lunker.

Rods I'm Bringing:
7'4" H Tatula Elite (Frog)
7'4" H Tatula (Frog, Swimjig)
7'4" H Tatula (Toaz, Swimjig)
7'4" H Zillion (Jig,Craw Tube, Jig,Chatter)
7' H Avid (Craw Tube)
6'9" H Tatula Elite (Braid) (Jig,Fluke,Chatter)
6'9" H Tatula Elite (FC) (Jig,Fluke,Dinger,Chatter)
6'8" M Avid (Topwater)

Rick Clunn Calls It A Career At The Elite Level, Today

One of the greatest and most successful professional bass fishermen of all time announced he would not be back on the Elite Series next year. Rick Clunn fished at the top level of B.A.S.S. for an amazing 50 years. He still plans to fish a few select Bassmaster Opens and a few other events. Over the last few years I have grown to appreciate this man's wisdom and character. He is one of a kind.

You will be missed Mr. Clunn.

I hope the various bass fishing podcasters don't forget about Rick and will continue bringing him on as a guest. He is as thoughtful of angler as there ever has been. 

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Lake Champlain Fantasy, Try, Try, Again

 It has not been a banner year for me in Fantasy Bass Fishing. For whatever reason, my picks just haven't been working out this year. There are two tournaments left over the next two weeks for me to find my mojo and win some cash and prizes; it has been a couple of years; I'm due. 

I predict the Sleepy Assassin wins this week.