Sunday, March 23, 2025

Beast'N Brings The Classic Crown To Minnesocold


photo: Seigo Saito
The kid from Grand Rapids, MN, has won his first Bassmaster Classic Championship Trophy in his second attempt at the crown. He did it with 76-15ozs, breaking KVD's record for Classic Winning Weight.

Congratulations World Champion, Beast'N!

Saturday, March 22, 2025

2025 Bassmaster Classic Fantasy Fishing Results

 Day 1 has me in contention, but I must have Blaylock, J Pow, and Butler all move up on Day 2. J Pow absolutely must make the 25 cut and that is a big ask with the guys around and in front of him. I should have had more faith in Fothergill in Bucket D. E was a crap shoot, and that was what I got.

Update: Day 2 didn't go well. I am done with these recaps.

GOMH 3/22


On my way up to the Bass Snatcher Award Banquet I stopped at the GOMH to experiment with the Aqua-Vu and throw a few casts. It was cold and windy. I nearly took out a turkey along the road that runs along the West side of Platte. I got skunked.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

2025 Bassmaster Classic Fantasy Fishing Lineups

 I forgot to change out Powroznik due to Day 1 conditions. I was leaning towards replacing him with Schlapper, with Patrick and Schmitt also being considered. 

3/20 GOMH, Sully Inlet, and Doggo's


6:30-7:10pm GOMH SW NE & Sully Inlet
37℉, PC, 10-15mph SSE

Sunny Day but Cool and windy out of the South. Ice in Platte is a bit past the first dock. I didn't wear bibs, so the wind went right through me, making the conditions suck to fish in. Not as many birds around tonight. I went down to the inlet on the south end of Sully. Water is flowing and is getting close to being open on the marsh side. I was hungry, so I skipped doing laps and headed home early. Luca and Belle were in the field when I dropped by the lake place.


Monday, March 17, 2025

"Opening Bass To Year Round Fishing," Amen!


It certainly seems like 2026 is going to be the year that MN will finally go to catch and release fishing allowed for bass during the closed season.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

MN Ice Outs Have Begun!


9 Lakes 3/13&14

2025 MNDNR Ice Out Map

Fish Swami Stuff

 I am not sure if this is a new feature or if I just noticed it, but when I go into my fishing log entries there is a side menu that sorts by date, day of the year, number of fish caught, and moon phase. I can't make heads or tails of the moon phase. Having an easy to track down listing of every time I have fished on X date is something that very cool to have that I will look at frequently.  Seeing the number of fish caught per trip will make for an interesting blog post or two from the fish catching stats I can glean from it.  


Friday, March 14, 2025

My Tackle Warehouse Opener

Because we went down to Elk River yesterday to have dinner with Belle, Todd, and Kristen, I didn't get the Tackle Warehouse officially opened yesterday. It was even nicer today, with temperatures in the low 70s. I found my Silver Minnows and took out some spinnerbaits.  I think I will invest in more plastic totes next time I am in Dollar General. I need to organize in there, it is a bit of a mess right now..

Progress at the GOMH, Plus Bulldog/Rock 3/14

 It was in the low 70's today. I didn't make it to the GOMH yesterday. Progess is now evident.

Swans, Geese, and Ducks

Red-Wings are back

Got me a bullhead

Bulldog Access

Rock looking NE

Rock Looking S


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Got Skunked & Birds



6:50-7:50pm GOMH NE SW
42-47℉, MC, 0-3mph SW
Water Low

When I arrived, there were geese and two swans on the S side and six geese on the N side. I heard a red-wing blackbird on the N side, but couldn't spot it in the marsh grass. Didn't gain very much open water today. I didn't get any bites. I did 10 laps across the bridge. I didn't shine anything.


Tuesday, March 11, 2025

1st Bullhead and Fish of 2025


Persistence paid off tonight, as I caught a bullhead just before I was going to quit for the night after not getting anything for 40 minutes. I thought for sure I was going to get skunked again. You just never know at the Grumpy Old Man Hole. I thought I hooked a stick and I had to bump it with the rod to get it to swim away.

Monday, March 10, 2025

GOMH March 10th


Skunked (Warm day. There was an otter on the N side when I arrived, and I think a bigger otter moving all over the place on the S side. I arrived a little before sunset and started on the N side; no bites. I also fished the SW side. More swans were flying around tonight. Not much for other birds yet. I then basically did my walking until the wind with the front hit. Maybe 3' to 4' more open on the S side tonight.)

Week projecting warmer.

I Can See My Driveway!

I did have to drive over some slush to get out and back into the driveway tonight, I'm calling today the day anyway.