Friday, March 03, 2017

What Dad Got For Me At The Salvation Army Today

That's right 3 bass fishing VHS tapes. (Yes, we still use a VHS at this house).  I am hopeful that the two Winkleman video's might have some tips I can use.

Actually, seeing as how there is nothing on TV tonight I'll watch the Trophy Bass Patterns video right now.

Trophy Bass Patterns Seminar: This video is Babe giving his "Pattern Seminar" at some Sportsman Show probably sometime in the mid to late 90's I would guess.  He really doesn't get into patterns for trophy bass like I was expecting; I read his Largemouth Bass Patterns book when it first came out and I was expecting him to talk about the specific patterns he uses like he did in the book.  He did very little of that in the video.   Instead it's more basic information that relates to all fish, but using largemouth as the primary example.

What struck me while watching the video is how little attention I now give to the basics of listening to what the fish are telling me.  For whatever reason I rarely think about what the fish are doing and why.  I guess I've just become lazy in my mental approach.  I have how I want to catch them and if it works it works and if it doesn't it doesn't.  Maybe this year with me planning to get out in the Trophy more my mind will be a little more engaged as I try hunting for the fish.


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